Money management spell
This spell is to help you to be more astute with your finances, it will enable you to manage your money more effectively, and change negative patterns of behaviour. In other words you are helping you help yourself.
You will need:
Five dried peas.
Five grains of rice.
Five gold coins.
Five silver coins.
One green candle.
One small empty tin.
One green ribbon.
Cast this spell after dark.
Light the candle. Put the dried peas, the rice and the gold and silver coins in the tin. Tie the green ribbon around the tin, make a bow. Hold the tin in both hands. One hand palm up, the other hand palm down. Focus on the candle flame for 5 minutes imagining the golden light is golden coins flowing to and filling your coffers.
Recite the following:
Candle light warm and bright. Make a wealth spell for me this night. Golden coins gleam. Silver shine. By and by abundance be mine. Let this be done.
When you have finished reciting place the tin in a dark place where it will be undisturbed and allow the magic to gradually take place. Let the candle burn for 1 hour.