Spell to help you to save
Spell to help you to save and have more financial freedom.
Recite the following.
Good fortune I preserve
Willingness to change is now mine
I yield to the power of my potential
Major growth is to be mine
Reason and common sense do flow
I am inspired
Thoughtful action is required
Funds received cautiously handled
Finances controlled attention paid
No detail ignored
Restraint be mine
Actions considered
Diligent behavior will be maintained
Unseen powers active here
Willing mind
Willing heart
Finances safe I do maintain
Money flows in I do retain
I re-evaluate and organise
I am inspired
I wait in readiness for self-transformation
With vigilant willingness
Good fortune I preserve
Profound knowing does now guide
I do behold all that can be
The power is now within me
Money mine
Wisdom mine
It will be
This spell is to encourage a positive frame of mind, which will rouse you to begin a financial plan for yourself, by paying yourself no less than ten percent as soon as you receive money you will be able to watch your finances grow which will then allow you to have more choices in your life, you will be able to have the joy of watching your coffers fill readily, thus feeling empowered financially as you exert control over your financial situation.