Release me from debt spell
Release yourself from the debt trap with this spell and draw to you enough money to live comfortably. You will be using the number five, which is associated with freedom and change.
You will need:
Five silver coins.
Five sewing pins.
Five apple seeds.
Five gold buttons.
Two square pieces of gold fabric sewn together to make a bag.
Green ribbon long enough to tie in a bow.
Five small green candles.
Lavender essence.
Consecrate your candles with the Lavender essence, place your candles in a row and light them. Place the five silver coins, five sewing pins, five apple seeds and five gold button in the gold bag. Tie the bag together with the green ribben and make a bow. Hold the bag in your right hand.
Recite the following:
Make me wealthy so I may. Have abundance every day. Let me receive all I require. Abundance is my desire. Let this be done.
When you have finished reciting place the gold bag under your bed. Once a week hold the bag and say the word prosperity three times, do this for one month by then there should be some positive financial change.