Spell to help you to do what you love and love what you do
Recite the following.
Now to unveil all within
Powers to encourage what is meant to be
I awaken
I see all there is for me
Unseen powers nourish and shape
I immerse in all I can be
Talent I have
Talent set free
Potential am I
Lid is lifted
Genie is free
Now to be all I can be
Now to unveil all I am
I am becoming
I am to be
What is within will be set free
I look and now do see
The beauty of everything waiting to be
Like flower blossoming under sunlight
Lid is lifted
Genie is free
I do take flight
Now to be all that I can be
Encapsulate that which is hidden within
Now to come forth when bidden
My light revealed for all to see
Potential waits to be born
Potential mine
I claim with reverence all I am
I claim with knowing all I can do
I claim absolutely all I can be
Now to unveil it is to be
I awaken