Spell to help create a new and improved attitude towards your finances
This is a spell for those who have difficulty saving, a spell to help create a new and improved attitude towards your finances and how to handle them.
Items: One wooden spoon
One teaspoon of basil in a saucer
One silver teaspoon
Frangipani oil essence
One green candle in holder
Ritual: Place the candle at 12o’clock behind the saucer with the basil, light it, put two drops of frangipani essence on the basil. Balance the wooden spoon across the saucer face up, place the silver spoon next to it face up. Recite the following.
Deities of opulence guide me now
Gods of Earth and all that grows
Imbue me now with wisdom yours
Deities of opulence I will follow
Prosperity now I build upon
All I need will now be mine
My fate is sealed all is well
It is to be