Spell to enhance your business prospects leading to financial bounty
Recite the following.
I align with powers of the night
Bow to the North
Bow to the South
Bow to the East
Bow to the West
God of plenty make for me
A spell that will truly be
A guiding light for me to follow
A prosperous life I do desire
Universe grant for me
A life full of joy and plenty
Provide for me a future bright
I align with the powers that be
I trust in all that is there for me
I trust in all that is yet to be
A view of future trust is held
Spell of powerful harmony unleashed
All to flow from this creation
Money gravitates
Coffers fill
Abundance surrounds
With open arms I welcome plenty
My cup overflows
So say I
So say I
So say I
When you have finished chanting light a green candle and watch the flame for a few minutes while you imagine success.