1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Natural Energy: Yang (Positive)
Natural Energy: Earth
Occupying the 11th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dog. The Dog has great loyally towards those they love, and is extremely fierce towards their loved ones enemies. Dogs will often offer kind words and useful advice, they are great listeners, and will be there when needed. Souls born under the Dog year learn the lesson of watchfulness, and the ability to be alert and cautious while protecting those they love. The happiness of the Dog’s friends is more important to them then money or career. The Dog soul intensifies some of the most altruistic traits of human nature. The dog is loyal, dependable and will never turn their back on a friend. Dogs are determined individuals with strong morals and ethics. The defiant dog strives to correct any injustices. Souls born under the Dog year make lifelong friends, and loyalty is the key element in their character, they have an attractive personality, yet can be insecure about their own talents. The Dog likes to keep a clean and well maintained home, and would much rather spend money on luxurious goods then practical items. Dogs can benefit from learning to relax and being more rational.
Character Traits
Honest, trustworthy, kind, honourable, loyal, heroic, faithful, generous, unselfish, compassionate, responsible and idealistic.
The career choice for the Dog is a leader, a judge, a missionary or teacher, they will also find happiness as writers, poets and philosophers. Dogs are trusted by their employers and seen as valuable co-workers, the Dog can always be counted on help out, especially if they can learn something new. The Dog must be able to believe in what they are doing if they are to give the best of themselves. Good career choices for the Dog include scientist, professor, police officer, nurse, interior designer and politician.
The Dog makes a thoughtful, loving and loyal partner who will take their time falling in love. Although Dogs are trustworthy they will have trouble trusting others. The Dog as a lover is more affectionate than passionate and can easily become hurt by the words of their lovers. If the dog doesn’t build trust they are likely to be judgemental towards others.
Love Compatibility
They are deep feeling souls who need a partner to understand them and form a loving, spiritual bond, the Dog needs to be shown tenderness, the Dog is passionate and loyal. The Dog does not take love lightly, and understands the need to be in tune with their partner, when the Dog commits it is with heart, mind and soul, holding nothing back. The Dog offers their partner patience, tenderness and undying love and loyalty.
Dog – Rat
The Rat spontaneously takes the lead in this relationship and is ever ready to criticise the Dog, making the Dog wilt and feel insecure. The Dog does not fare well under this critical eye and the relationship will not succeed.
Dog – Ox
Together these two are pessimist worriers, but the gentle nature of the Ox warms the heart of the loving Dog. Both show love, compassion and tenderness towards the other, the elements for a successful and long lasting soul relationship are there.
Dog – Tiger
Regal energies dignified and elegant, they are magnetised by each other and love easily and readily. Each is nurturing and caring, and with such compassion they are ideal destiny links, ideal soul mates.
Dog – Rabbit
This is a profound love connection, deep enough to carry them to the stars, to not be together would be unthinkable. This is a soul mate partnership of extraordinary proportions.
Dog – Dragon
In business these two could rule the world, they would be dynamic, they are opposites in every way, yet complement each other when working on a common goal. If they become love partners it would be a tense and difficult union, each would have difficulty relating to the other.
Dog – Snake
Friends and lovers, there is a spiritual and intuitive link with this couple, and many delve into metaphysics together. They enjoy an active social life, and communicate on all levels passionately. Soul mates without a doubt.
Dog – Horse
Like minded lovers and friends alike, they are instantly in tune and utterly adore each other, wanting only what is best for each other. They are attentive and compassionate, with an inspired and idealistic outlook on life, both interested in humanitarian causes. There is nothing these soul mates cannot overcome.
Dog – Goat
Not only do they bring out the worst in each other, they also expect the worst from each other. Neither can make the other happy, together they are dour and enervated. There is too much cynicism for them to successfully align.
Dog – Monkey
The scandalous and mischievous Monkey does bring a smile to the face of the Dog, however the Monkey’s wild abandon and sexual freedom will not further a long term relationship, certainly not one in which the Dog would find comfort.
Dog – Rooster
The Rooster is far too critical for the gentle and sensitive Dog, each is antagonised by the other. The worst traits of both souls surface when they are together.
Dog – Dog
They can confidently hold hands as soul mates and know that they can successfully walk life’s path, each nurturing, loving and caring for the other. There is wonderful sexual compatibility, and when one is in pain the other feels it.
Dog – Pig
A long term relationship is written for these souls, an amiable and compassionate alliance, they each bring happiness and light into the life of the other.
Metal Dog
Metal will strengthen the Dog’s morals and ideas, they are very committed to whatever they do whether it be their careers or relationships. The Metal Dog will be forthright and like to speak their mind. They have high expectation both of themselves and others. Metal Dogs are most drawn to careers in charities or religion.
Water Dog
The Water Dog will be more adaptable and intuitive, and their self confidence will grow when they are in a pack. Water dogs are big softies and will often take in the local strays. They are faithful, flexible, relaxed and will fill their home with unconditional love.
Wood Dog
Wood Dogs make excellent companions, they are easy going warm hearted and faithful. The Wood element makes the Dog open to new experiences and allows them to be less judgemental. Wood Dogs are more open minded and are the most empathetic of the dog family
Fire Dog
The Fire gives the Dog passion and confidence, they are true leaders. Fire Dogs can easily balance their own needs with the needs of others, and are far more confident than the other Dog elements. Others will enjoy being in the company of Fire Dogs, they’re sexually attractive, charismatic, vibrant and confident and always on the go. Fire Dogs are true leaders.
Earth Dog
Earth Dogs are confident, realistic and inspirational. They have a great sense of fairness that enables them to be very supportive of others. They are practical and excel at detailed work. Being double earth will help to balance the Dog’s phobias and anxieties.
Famous Dogs
Claudia Schiffer, Sharon Stone, Sylvester Stallone, Jamie Lee Curtis, Andre Agassi, Cher, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Mariah Carey, Rodney Dangerfield, Missy Elliot, Candice Bergman, Kate Bush, Freddie Mercury, Winnie Mandela, Ralph Nader, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Lenin, Voltaire, Socrates, Debussy, John Wesley, Golda Meir, Itzhak Rabin, Jose Carreras, Jacques Cousteau, Sally Field, Victor Hugo, Charles Manson, O.J. Simpson, George Gershwin, David Niven, Judy Garland, Liza Minelli, Prince, Norman Mailer, Linda Ronstadt, Shirley MacLaine, Brigitte Bardot, Connie Chung, Donald Sutherland, Prince William, Bill Clinton, and Laura and George W. Bush.