“Black Flame Shield” is a ritual that uses the power of fire and protective elements to create a shield against harmful magic from others, promoting feelings of safety and security.
Items Needed:
- Black candle
- A piece of paper and pen
- Protection stone (such as black tourmaline or obsidian)
- A piece of black cloth or pouch
Ritual Steps:
- Find a quiet, private space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
- Light the black candle.
- Hold the protection stone in your hand and visualize a white light surrounding you, creating a protective barrier against any negative energy or entities.
- On the piece of paper, write down the name or description of the person who may be trying to harm you with magic.
- Hold the paper up to the flame of the black candle, allowing it to catch fire and burn.
- Say the following spell:
“By the power of the elements and the light, I call upon my protection to take flight. May this flame banish any harmful magic sent my way, And protect me from any ill will day by day.”
- Let the candle burn down completely, focusing on your intention and visualization.
- Once the candle has burned down, take the ashes and place them in the black cloth or pouch, along with the protection stone.
- Tie the cloth or pouch closed and carry it with you for continued protection.