“Guardian of the Home” is a simple and effective ritual spell that uses a combination of fire, smoke, and intention to protect your home from negative energies and promote a peaceful and positive environment.
Items needed:
- A white candle
- A small bowl of salt
- A bundle of white sage or palo santo
- A feather or a fan
- A piece of paper and pen
- A small bell or singing bowl (optional)
- Find a quiet and private space in your home where you can focus without interruption. Light the white candle and place it in front of you.
- Take a few deep breaths and visualize a bubble of white light surrounding your home. This bubble is your shield of protection.
- Take the piece of paper and pen, and write down any specific issues or situations that are causing negativity in your home environment. Write them down, without judging or analyzing them.
- When you’ve finished writing, hold the paper over the flame of the candle and say:
“I release these negative energies, Let them be consumed by the fire. My home is a place of peace and love, And negativity has no hold on me.”
- Allow the paper to burn completely in the flame of the candle, then drop it into the bowl of salt to extinguish it.
- Take the bundle of white sage or palo santo, and light it with the candle. Let it burn for a few seconds, then blow it out so it’s smoking.
- Use the feather or fan to waft the smoke around your home, starting at the front door and moving clockwise. As you do this, say:
“With the smoke of this sacred plant, I banish all negativity and grant My home a protective layer, To keep us safe from all despair.”
- Once you’ve smudged the entire house, place the bowl of salt near the front door. This will help absorb any negative energy that tries to enter.
- If you have a small bell or singing bowl, ring it or play it in each room of your house. The sound vibrations can help clear any remaining negative energy.
- Take a few deep breaths, then blow out the candle.
- Spell complete.