Spell to keep your bank account full and healthy
Spell to aid you in having greater understanding of your finances allowing you to keep your bank account full and healthy. Recite the following.
I do feel prosperous
Creativity mine
Money and opportunity flows to me
Undiscovered power does erupt
There within nascent state
Money be mine
Life enhanced
New position offered
I do accept
New position offered money flows to me
I have magic in me
Prosperous now I do feel
Money and opportunities I embrace
Fairies sing of gold awaiting
Ladder of success I do ascend
I climb with ease
My star does rise
Prosperous I do feel
I call mystical guides of the night
Create a spell of prosperous life
Add gold dust, rubies and jade too
Gryphon’s feather
Eye of Newt
Mix with honey and dragons fire
Opulence for me is to inspire
Success be mine
Gold to be mine
My star does rise
Willing mind draws abundance
So it will be.
After you have finished chanting sit and contemplate your power, feel the strength and energy flow through you.