Spell to inject creativity into your home business
Spell to inspire creativity and spontaneity in those who have a home business.
Recite the following.
Witches sprinkle magic dust
One garlic clove and rosemary added
Mixed in cauldron stirred times three
I am resolved to great success
Business Mine
Faith imbued
My time has come
It is to be
I am success
I feel awakened
Ideas erupt
A strength and power I do feel
I will know what steps to take
Ideas anew they do abound
The winds of change blow my way
Goals realised
Ambition satisfied
Perpetual renewal there is to be
Ardent financial desires met
I create what others covet
My name is on the lips of many
Goodwill is sprinkled with abandon
Business mine my faith imbued
I am resolved to great success
So be it
It will be
After chanting, contemplate your creative and successful enterprise, visualise how it is to be, feel it happening, remember it all begins with your thoughts, let your thoughts be beautiful and powerful, let your images be sparkling and bright, believe in nothing less than absolute success without question.