Spell to draw business opportunities to you
Recite the following.
Give me a life I can live well
Abundance I ask for
Abundance I desire
Rewards due benefits timely
Success I will handle with grace
As I have given now to receive
Ready to work with wisdom gained
Opportunity abundance choice now be mine
Footsteps do lighten as burdens lift
Soar to new heights anxiety gone
Free to pursue all that does draw me
Like an angel with wings I can fly
Spontaneous opportunities will now be offered
This is my chance to excel
I embrace what is presented
My journey due for a most fitting turn
Rewards due benefits timely
Successful life welcomed
Abundance mine
As I have given I now receive
Ready to work with life’s delights
I feel like an angel with wings
I can fly
Transformation now takes place
Choice now mine
Like butterfly I emerge from cocoon
I am free