The “Crystal Shielding Spell” is a simple ritual that uses a combination of salt, water, fresh herbs, black tourmaline or obsidian, and a bell or chime to create a protective barrier around your home, shielding it from physical and non-physical entities.
Items needed:
- A white candle
- A small bowl or dish of salt
- A small bowl or dish of water
- A sprig of fresh rosemary or sage
- A piece of black tourmaline or obsidian
- A bell or chime
1. Begin by finding a quiet, calm space in your home where you can perform the ritual without interruption. It’s best to start at the main entrance or front door.
2. Set up your materials in front of you, placing the candle, bowls of salt and water, fresh herb, and black tourmaline or obsidian in a line along the threshold of the door.
3. Light the white candle, taking a moment to focus on the flame and the energy it represents. Visualize the light of the flame as a protective barrier around your home.
4. Sprinkle a small amount of salt across the threshold of the door, and then sprinkle a small amount of water on top of the salt. As you do so, visualize the salt and water creating a barrier that will protect your home from negative energies and entities.
5. Hold the sprig of fresh rosemary or sage in your hand, and use it to sprinkle a small amount of herb over the threshold. As you do so, recite the following spell:
“By the power of earth and air,
I cast a shield around this lair.
With this crystal, black as night,
I banish all that’s not of light.”
6. After reciting the spell, place the black tourmaline or obsidian in the center of the threshold. Visualize the crystal glowing with a bright white light, filling your home with positive energy and repelling any negative entities.
7. Ring the bell or chime three times, creating a clear and protective sound that will purify and cleanse the space.
8. Walk around your home, repeating the ritual at each entrance or doorway, until you have sealed every entrance with the protective spell.