“Positive Work Shield” is a simple and effective ritual spell that uses the power of visualization, a white candle, and a crystal to create a protective shield against negativity and promote positivity in your work environment.
Items needed:
- A quiet and comfortable space
- A white candle
- A lighter or matches
- A piece of paper and a pen
- A small crystal or stone (e.g. black tourmaline, clear quartz)
Ritual Steps:
- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Sit or stand comfortably and light the white candle with a lighter or matches.
- Take a few deep breaths and focus your mind on your intention to deflect negativity in your work environment.
- On the piece of paper, write down the following words:
“I am surrounded by positivity and light in my work environment. Any negativity is deflected and returned to its source.”
- Hold the crystal or stone in your hand and close your eyes.
- Visualize a bright white light surrounding you and your work environment, illuminating every corner and filling the space with positive energy.
- As you hold the crystal or stone, repeat the following words:
“I call upon the power of this crystal to help me deflect negativity in my work environment. Any negative energy is transformed into positive energy and returned to its source.”
- When you are ready, place the piece of paper under the white candle and let it burn down completely.
- Ritual complete.