Spell to bring a lover into your life
- Pink or red candle
- A piece of paper
- Pen or pencil
- Lighter or matches
- A piece of rose quartz or other crystal associated with love and attraction
- Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
- Light the pink or red candle and place it in front of you.
- Take the piece of paper and write down the qualities and characteristics you want in a new lover. Be specific and positive. For example, “I want someone who is kind, loyal, and shares my interests.”
- Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes.
- Visualize yourself being happy and fulfilled with a new lover who possesses the qualities and characteristics you want.
- Repeat the following spell:
“With the power of love and intention, I call upon the universe to bring me a new lover who possesses the qualities and characteristics I seek. May our hearts be open and ready to receive each other, and may our love be blessed and fulfilling. So mote it be.”
- Hold the piece of rose quartz or other crystal in your hands and imagine the energy from the candle and the spell infusing the crystal with love and attraction.
- Place the crystal next to the candle and let them both burn down completely.
- Take the ashes from the burnt candle and the crystal and scatter them outside or bury them in your garden to symbolize the release of the energy and the manifestation of your intention.
- Your ritual is now complete.