Protection Spells

The Crystal Shield Spell: A Ritual for Protection from Negative Influences

The Crystal Shield Spell: A Ritual for Protection from Negative Influences
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“The Crystal Shield Spell” is a simple ritual that uses the power of amethyst or clear quartz, incense, and salt to create a shield against negative influences, promoting feelings of positivity and protection.

Items Needed:

  • A piece of amethyst or clear quartz
  • A white candle
  • Lavender or rosemary incense
  • Salt or a small dish of water

Ritual Steps:

  1. Find a quiet, private space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
  2. Light the white candle and the lavender or rosemary incense.
  3. Hold the amethyst or clear quartz in your hand and visualize a white light surrounding you, promoting feelings of positivity and protection.
  4. Pass the amethyst or clear quartz through the smoke of the incense, visualizing the smoke removing any negative influences.
  5. Place the amethyst or clear quartz on the salt or in the small dish of water, saying the following spell:

“By the power of earth and sky, Let this crystal keep me high. Protect me from negative lies, And let only positivity rise.”

  1. Close your eyes and focus on the white light surrounding you, promoting feelings of positivity and protection.
  2. When you feel ready, blow out the candle and allow the incense to burn down completely.

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