“Spark of Positivity” is a simple ritual spell that helps release negative thoughts and anxieties, while inviting optimism and hope into your life.
Items needed:
- A quiet and comfortable space
- A small white candle
- A piece of paper and pen
- A small bowl of water
- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Light the white candle and place it in front of you.
- Take a few deep breaths and focus on your breath. As you exhale, imagine yourself releasing any negative or anxious thoughts.
- Take the piece of paper and pen, and write down any negative or worrisome thoughts that come to mind. Write them all down, without judging or analyzing them.
- When you’ve finished writing, hold the paper over the flame of the candle and say:
“I release these thoughts and fears, Let them be consumed by the fire. I am free from their hold, And open to positivity and desire.”
- Allow the paper to burn completely in the flame of the candle, then drop it into the bowl of water to extinguish it.
- Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a white light, full of peace and calm. Repeat the following affirmation to yourself:
“I approach life with optimism and hope, I am strong, capable, and free. I trust in the universe to guide me, And I am open to all the good that will be.”
- Take a few deep breaths, then blow out the candle.
- Spell complete.