This is a simple yet potent ritual candle spell that utilizes the energy of a black candle to banish negativity and protect you from any harmful energies or entities.
Items needed:
- A black candle.
- A candle holder.
- A lighter or matches.
Ritual Steps:
1. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or stand comfortably.
2. Light the black candle with a lighter or matches and place it in the candle holder.
3. Take a few deep breaths and focus your mind on your intention to banish negativity.
4. Visualize a bright white light surrounding you and protecting you from any negative energy.
5. Hold your hands over the candle flame, palms facing downwards, and say the following words:
“By the power of the universe and the flame of this candle, I banish all negativity from my life.”
6. Keep your hands over the candle flame for a few seconds, feeling the warmth and energy of the flame.
7. Gently blow out the candle flame and say:
“So mote it be.”
8. Leave the candle in its holder until it has completely cooled.
9. Spell complete.