Love spell to make you feel more desirable.
- A mirror
- A pink or red candle
- Your favorite perfume or cologne
- A piece of paper
- A pen or pencil
- Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
- Place the mirror in front of you and light the pink or red candle.
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.
- Look into the mirror and say the following affirmations:
I am beautiful/handsome.
I am desirable.
I am worthy of love and affection.
I radiate confidence and self-love.
I attract love and positive energy into my life.
- Take the piece of paper and write down three things you love about yourself. For example, “I love my smile,” “I love my kind heart,” or “I love my intelligence.”
- Hold the piece of paper in front of the candle and say the following spell:
By the power of this flame and the energy of my intentions, I call upon the universe to amplify my self-love and confidence. May I radiate beauty, confidence, and self-love, May I attract positive energy and love into my life. So mote it be.
- Take a few drops of your favorite perfume or cologne and anoint your pulse points (wrists, neck, behind the ears) with it. This will help you feel more confident and attractive.
- Sit in front of the mirror and visualize yourself feeling confident, happy, and desirable.
- When you’re ready, blow out the candle and place the small piece of paper with the things you love about yourself in a safe place where you can see it often.
- Take a moment to appreciate yourself and your own unique beauty and worth.
- Your ritual is complete.