A love spell to help you and your partner fall more deeply in love with each other.
- Two pink candles
- A piece of paper
- A pen or pencil
- A small piece of rose quartz
- Your favorite essential oil (optional)
- Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
- Light the two pink candles and place them a few inches apart from each other.
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.
- Hold the piece of rose quartz in your hand and visualize it filling you with love and positivity.
- Take the piece of paper and write down three things you love about your partner. For example, “I love the way they make me laugh,” “I love the way they support me,” or “I love their kind heart.”
- Fold the paper and wrap it around the rose quartz.
- Hold the bundle in front of the candles and say the following spell:
By the power of this flame and the energy of this crystal, I call upon the universe to deepen the love in my relationship. May [partner’s name] and I be filled with love and understanding, May we continue to grow together and support each other on our journey. So mote it be.
- If you have a favorite essential oil, you can anoint the candles with it by rubbing a small amount onto the tips of your fingers and then rubbing them on the candles. This is optional but can help enhance the ritual.
- Sit in front of the candles and gaze into the flames for a few minutes, focusing on the love you feel for your partner and the connection between you.
- When you’re ready, blow out the candles and place the small piece of paper with the things you love about your partner in a safe place where you can see it often.
- Take the piece of rose quartz and carry it with you or keep it in a safe place where you can see it often, and visualize your relationship growing stronger and deeper every day.
- Your love spell is complete.