Western Astrology

The Zodiac Sign You Are Going To Marry

The Zodiac Sign You Are Going To Marry
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When it comes to love and marriage, the stars have a lot to say about who we are drawn to and who might be our perfect match. While we all have free will, there’s something magical about how certain zodiac signs seem to align with our own, creating powerful bonds that stand the test of time. Whether you’re a fiery Aries or a grounded Taurus, the universe might have a cosmic partner in mind for you—someone who balances your energy, complements your strengths, and shares your dreams.

In this guide, we’ll explore the zodiac sign you’re most likely to marry based on your own sign. While astrology is just one tool in the vast toolbox of life, it offers fascinating insights into the kinds of connections that can lead to lasting love. So, whether you’re single and searching or already in a relationship, let’s take a journey through the stars to discover who might be your forever partner.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Likely to Marry: Libra, Sagittarius, Leo

Libra: Aries, your bold and assertive nature finds a perfect balance in Libra’s calm and diplomatic approach to life. Libra, ruled by Venus, brings harmony and a sense of peace that can soothe your fiery tendencies. In this partnership, you’ll find that Libra’s ability to see all sides of a situation complements your straightforward and sometimes impulsive decision-making. Together, you create a dynamic where passion meets balance, and both of you grow in understanding and mutual respect. Libra’s charm and social grace add a touch of elegance to your life, making you feel appreciated and adored.

Sagittarius: When you and Sagittarius come together, it’s like two fireballs colliding in the best way possible. Both of you share a love for adventure, exploration, and pushing boundaries. Sagittarius’s optimistic and freedom-loving spirit resonates with your need for excitement and new challenges. This relationship thrives on spontaneity and a shared desire to experience life to the fullest. With Sagittarius, you’ll never feel bored or tied down, as they’ll always be ready to embark on the next big adventure with you. Your fiery passion meets their wanderlust, creating a partnership that’s both exhilarating and deeply fulfilling.

Leo: A union between Aries and Leo is a powerful one, filled with energy, passion, and mutual admiration. Leo’s confidence and natural leadership qualities align perfectly with your own, creating a dynamic and vibrant relationship. Both of you love to take charge, and while that could lead to the occasional clash, it also means that you deeply understand and respect each other’s strengths. Leo’s loyalty and generous heart make you feel secure and valued, while your adventurous spirit keeps the relationship exciting and fresh. Together, you create a power couple that’s hard to match, with both of you pushing each other to be the best versions of yourselves.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Likely to Marry: Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces


Taurus, your grounded and sensual nature finds a perfect complement in Virgo’s practical and analytical mind. Both earth signs, you share a deep appreciation for stability, routine, and the finer things in life. Virgo’s meticulous attention to detail brings order and efficiency to your world, while your steady and patient nature provides a solid foundation for their analytical mind. Together, you create a harmonious partnership built on mutual respect and shared values. Virgo’s ability to see the big picture while attending to the small details is a perfect counterbalance to your focus on the tangible and practical. This union is marked by a deep sense of security and mutual admiration.


Taurus and Capricorn form a formidable partnership, grounded in shared values of ambition, responsibility, and a strong work ethic. Capricorn’s disciplined and goal-oriented nature aligns perfectly with your steadfast determination. Together, you build a life of substance and security, creating a stable and prosperous foundation for your relationship. Capricorn’s ambition inspires you to reach new heights, while your loyalty and support provide the emotional bedrock they need to succeed. This is a union of two reliable partners who understand the importance of hard work and commitment. Expect a deep sense of trust, respect, and shared purpose to flourish in this relationship.


Taurus, your grounded and sensual nature provides a calming influence on Pisces’ dreamy and imaginative world. Their creativity and emotional depth add a touch of magic to your practical life, while your stability and reliability offer them a safe harbor. Together, you create a harmonious balance of earth and water, where dreams intertwine with reality. Pisces’ intuitive understanding of your needs complements your patient and nurturing nature. This partnership is built on empathy, compassion, and a deep emotional connection. While differences may arise, your shared desire for a loving and stable relationship will guide you through any challenges.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Likely to Marry: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius

Aquarius: Gemini, your curious and ever-changing nature finds a kindred spirit in Aquarius’ innovative and independent mindset. Both of you are intellectual explorers, eager to dive into new ideas, unconventional theories, and stimulating conversations. Aquarius’s forward-thinking and visionary approach aligns perfectly with your need for mental stimulation and variety. In this relationship, you’ll find that Aquarius encourages your love for freedom and individuality while challenging you to think outside the box. Together, you create a partnership that thrives on shared adventures, new discoveries, and a deep mutual respect for each other’s unique perspectives. With Aquarius, life is always exciting, unpredictable, and full of possibilities.

Libra: When Gemini and Libra come together, it’s a meeting of minds that sparks endless conversations and a playful, light-hearted romance. Libra’s charm and social grace resonate with your own sociable and communicative nature, making you a dynamic duo in any social setting. In this partnership, Libra’s love for balance and harmony complements your desire for variety and adaptability. They know how to keep things peaceful and fair, which helps to ground your sometimes scattered energy. With Libra, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s full of fun, laughter, and mutual understanding. Their ability to appreciate beauty and art enhances your world, while your quick wit and intelligence keep the relationship lively and engaging.

Sagittarius: Gemini, your restless and adventurous spirit finds a perfect match in Sagittarius’ free-spirited and enthusiastic approach to life. Both of you share a love for exploration, whether it’s through travel, learning, or new experiences. Sagittarius’s optimistic and spontaneous nature complements your need for variety and change, creating a relationship that’s always fresh and exciting. In this partnership, you’ll find that Sagittarius encourages your curiosity and thirst for knowledge, while you bring a sense of lightness and adaptability to their sometimes intense pursuits. Together, you create a dynamic duo that’s always on the move, constantly seeking out new horizons and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. With Sagittarius, you’ll never feel tied down or bored, as they’ll always be ready for the next big adventure by your side.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Likely to Marry: Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus


Cancer, your nurturing and empathetic nature finds a passionate and intense counterpart in Scorpio. Both water signs, you share a deep emotional connection that forms the foundation of a truly profound relationship. Scorpio’s magnetic intensity draws you in, while your caring nature softens their guarded exterior. Together, you create a world of emotional depth and intimacy. Scorpio’s unwavering loyalty and protective instincts make you feel safe and cherished, while your ability to provide emotional support and understanding fuels their passion. This is a relationship marked by trust, respect, and a shared desire for a deep, soul-connecting bond.


Cancer, your caring and compassionate nature finds a kindred spirit in Pisces. Both water signs, you share an intuitive understanding of each other’s emotions, creating a harmonious and supportive partnership. Pisces’ dreamy and imaginative world complements your nurturing instincts, allowing you to create a haven of love and understanding. Their sensitivity and empathy mirror your own, deepening your emotional connection. Together, you build a world of shared dreams, where you can escape the world’s harshness and find solace in each other’s arms. This is a relationship built on trust, compassion, and a shared desire for a deep, soulful connection.


Cancer, your need for emotional security and stability finds a solid foundation in Taurus. Their grounded and patient nature offers the reassurance you crave, creating a sense of peace and comfort in your relationship. Taurus’s appreciation for home and family aligns with your desire to create a nurturing environment. Together, you build a life filled with warmth, love, and shared values. Taurus’s loyalty and dependability provide a constant source of strength, while your nurturing nature helps them open up emotionally. This is a partnership marked by stability, trust, and a deep sense of belonging.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Likely to Marry: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini

Aries: Leo, your bold and charismatic personality finds an exhilarating match in Aries’ dynamic and adventurous spirit. Both of you are fire signs, which means your relationship is full of passion, energy, and a mutual drive to live life to the fullest. Aries’s confidence and determination resonate with your own strong-willed nature, creating a powerful and vibrant partnership. In this relationship, you’ll find that Aries challenges you in all the right ways, pushing you to be your best self while respecting your need for admiration and recognition. Together, you create a dynamic duo that’s unstoppable, with both of you bringing out the best in each other. Your shared love for excitement, adventure, and a bit of friendly competition keeps the relationship lively and engaging, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment between you.

Sagittarius: When Leo and Sagittarius come together, it’s a union of two free spirits who thrive on adventure, exploration, and a shared zest for life. Sagittarius’s optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life complements your own love for excitement and new experiences. In this partnership, you’ll find that Sagittarius encourages your natural leadership qualities while adding a sense of spontaneity and fun to your life. Their love for freedom and independence resonates with your own desire to live life on your own terms, creating a relationship that’s both liberating and deeply fulfilling. Together, you’ll explore new horizons, both physically and emotionally, with Sagittarius providing the encouragement and support you need to pursue your dreams. This relationship is a vibrant and passionate one, where both of you inspire each other to reach new heights while enjoying every moment along the way.

Gemini: Leo, your vibrant and outgoing personality finds a playful and intellectually stimulating partner in Gemini. Gemini’s quick wit and charm match your own social grace, creating a relationship that’s full of laughter, fun, and lively conversations. In this partnership, you’ll find that Gemini keeps things light and interesting, helping to balance your more dramatic tendencies. Their ability to adapt and go with the flow complements your need for excitement and variety, ensuring that the relationship never becomes stagnant. With Gemini, you’ll enjoy a partnership that’s intellectually engaging and emotionally fulfilling, with both of you bringing out the best in each other. Their curiosity and love for learning match your own desire to explore new ideas and experiences, creating a relationship that’s always fresh, exciting, and full of possibilities. Together, you create a dynamic and joyful connection that’s built on mutual respect, admiration, and a shared love for life.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Likely to Marry: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio


Virgo, your analytical mind and meticulous nature find a perfect complement in Taurus’s grounded and patient personality. Both earth signs, you share a deep appreciation for stability, practicality, and the finer things in life. Taurus’s steady presence provides a calming influence on your analytical mind, while your attention to detail brings order and structure to their world. Together, you create a harmonious and supportive partnership built on mutual respect and shared values. Taurus’s loyalty and dependability offer a sense of security, while your ability to see the big picture helps them appreciate life’s nuances. This is a relationship where both partners feel understood and valued, creating a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling love.


Virgo and Capricorn form a powerful intellectual and emotional partnership. Your shared love of structure, planning, and achievement creates a solid foundation for a successful relationship. Capricorn’s ambition and determination inspire your analytical mind, while your meticulous attention to detail helps them achieve their goals. Together, you create a dynamic duo capable of conquering any challenge. Capricorn’s unwavering loyalty provides a sense of security, while your supportive nature encourages their aspirations. This is a relationship marked by mutual respect, shared values, and a deep commitment to building a life together.


Virgo, your analytical and methodical nature finds a passionate and intense counterpart in Scorpio. Their magnetic energy and emotional depth initially might seem overwhelming, but your ability to see beneath the surface allows you to appreciate their complexity. Scorpio’s loyalty and protectiveness provide a sense of security, while your analytical mind helps them channel their intensity into constructive endeavors. Together, you create a dynamic and stimulating relationship filled with intellectual and emotional growth. Scorpio’s passion ignites a fire within you, while your grounded nature provides a stabilizing influence. This is a partnership marked by trust, respect, and a deep commitment to personal growth.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Likely to Marry: Aries, Gemini, Aquarius

Gemini: Libra, your love for balance, harmony, and intellectual stimulation finds an ideal partner in Gemini’s lively and curious nature. Both of you are air signs, which means your relationship thrives on communication, mental connection, and a shared love for socializing. Gemini’s quick wit and versatility complement your own diplomatic and charming personality, creating a relationship that’s full of engaging conversations and mutual understanding. In this partnership, you’ll find that Gemini’s adaptability and open-mindedness help keep things fresh and exciting, while your sense of fairness and appreciation for beauty provide the grounding that Gemini sometimes needs. Together, you create a dynamic and harmonious relationship where both of you can explore new ideas, have fun, and support each other’s growth. Gemini’s playful nature brings out your lighter side, while your ability to create peace and balance ensures that the relationship remains smooth and fulfilling. It’s a union that’s marked by mutual respect, intellectual stimulation, and a shared love for life’s pleasures.

Aquarius: When Libra and Aquarius come together, it’s a meeting of like minds that’s both inspiring and liberating. Aquarius’s innovative and forward-thinking nature resonates with your own desire for harmony and social connection, creating a relationship that’s based on shared ideals and a vision for the future. In this partnership, you’ll find that Aquarius encourages you to think outside the box and embrace new ideas, while your diplomatic approach helps to temper Aquarius’s sometimes rebellious streak. Together, you create a relationship that’s both intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling, where both of you can be your authentic selves. Aquarius’s independent spirit aligns with your own need for balance and fairness, ensuring that neither of you feels confined or restricted in the relationship. It’s a partnership that’s marked by mutual respect, shared goals, and a deep understanding of each other’s unique perspectives. With Aquarius, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s both exciting and stable, where both of you can grow and evolve together.

Leo: Libra, your charm and grace find a passionate and dynamic partner in Leo’s confident and vibrant personality. Leo’s natural leadership and love for the spotlight complement your own desire for balance and harmony, creating a relationship that’s both exciting and beautifully balanced. In this partnership, you’ll find that Leo’s warmth and generosity make you feel adored and appreciated, while your ability to bring peace and diplomacy helps to smooth over any potential conflicts. Together, you create a power couple that’s admired by others for your mutual respect, strong bond, and shared love for the finer things in life. Leo’s loyalty and protective nature resonate with your own need for security and stability, ensuring that the relationship is built on a solid foundation. With Leo, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s full of passion, creativity, and a deep sense of connection. Your shared love for socializing and entertaining makes every moment together fun and memorable, while your mutual respect ensures that the relationship remains strong and enduring.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Likely to Marry: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo


Scorpio, your intense and magnetic personality ignites a passionate fire within Cancer’s nurturing heart. Both water signs, you share an unparalleled emotional depth that creates a powerful and transformative bond. Cancer’s protective instincts and desire for emotional security find solace in your unwavering loyalty and intensity. Their ability to create a warm and nurturing home life complements your need for a safe haven to retreat to. Together, you navigate the depths of your souls, building a relationship that is both passionate and deeply comforting. Your strength and determination provide Cancer with a sense of security, while their empathy and understanding help to soften your sharp edges. This is a partnership marked by trust, passion, and a profound connection.


Scorpio and Pisces, a match made in the watery depths of the soul. Your shared intensity and emotional complexity create a bond that is both enchanting and profound. Pisces’ dreamy and compassionate nature complements your passionate and determined spirit. Their ability to see beyond the surface and tap into the emotional undercurrents of life mirrors your own intuitive nature. Together, you create a world of shared dreams and emotional exploration. Pisces’ gentle spirit helps to balance your intensity, while your strength and determination provide the grounding they crave. This is a relationship filled with passion, mystery, and a deep spiritual connection.


Scorpio, your passionate and intense nature finds a grounded and practical counterpart in Virgo. Their analytical mind and attention to detail offer a counterbalance to your emotional intensity. Virgo’s loyalty and dedication provide the stability you crave, while your passion and determination inspire them to reach new heights. Together, you create a dynamic partnership where strength and intellect intertwine. Virgo’s ability to see the big picture helps you focus your energy, while your intensity brings passion and excitement to their methodical approach. This is a relationship built on mutual respect, shared goals, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Likely to Marry: Leo, Aries, Aquarius

Aries: Sagittarius, your adventurous spirit and love for freedom find an exciting and energetic partner in Aries. Both of you are fire signs, which means your relationship is fueled by passion, enthusiasm, and a shared love for adventure. Aries’s boldness and determination resonate with your own desire to explore new horizons, creating a relationship that’s dynamic, fast-paced, and never boring. In this partnership, you’ll find that Aries encourages your spontaneous nature, always ready to join you on your next big adventure. Together, you create a powerful duo that thrives on excitement, challenge, and mutual respect. Aries’s confidence and leadership qualities complement your free-spirited nature, ensuring that both of you feel empowered and supported in pursuing your dreams. This relationship is marked by a shared zest for life, where both of you inspire each other to take risks, push boundaries, and live life to the fullest. With Aries, you’ll never feel tied down or restricted; instead, you’ll find a partner who shares your love for the thrill of the unknown.

Leo: When Sagittarius and Leo come together, it’s a match made in the stars for two who love to live large. Leo’s vibrant and charismatic personality aligns perfectly with your own love for excitement and adventure. Both of you thrive on attention, creativity, and a desire to make the most out of every moment. In this partnership, you’ll find that Leo’s warmth and generosity create a joyful and passionate relationship that’s filled with fun and laughter. Leo’s love for the spotlight complements your need for freedom, allowing both of you to shine brightly without overshadowing each other. Together, you create a relationship that’s full of energy, enthusiasm, and mutual admiration. Leo’s loyalty and protective nature make you feel cherished and valued, while your adventurous spirit keeps the relationship fresh and exciting. This relationship is marked by a deep sense of connection, where both of you can inspire each other to pursue your passions and live life with courage and joy. With Leo, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s both exhilarating and deeply fulfilling, where every day feels like a new adventure.

Gemini: Sagittarius, your restless and curious nature finds a perfect intellectual match in Gemini’s quick-witted and versatile personality. Both of you share a love for exploration, learning, and discovering new ideas, making this partnership one that’s always full of excitement and mental stimulation. In this relationship, you’ll find that Gemini’s adaptability and love for variety align with your own need for freedom and spontaneity. Together, you create a dynamic duo that’s constantly on the move, always seeking out new experiences and adventures. Gemini’s ability to keep things light and fun helps to balance your sometimes intense drive for exploration, while your enthusiasm and optimism inspire Gemini to take risks and embrace the unknown. This relationship is marked by a strong intellectual connection, where both of you can engage in deep conversations, share new ideas, and challenge each other to grow and evolve. With Gemini, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s both mentally stimulating and emotionally freeing, where both of you can pursue your passions and dreams without feeling confined or restricted.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Likely to Marry: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio


Capricorn, your practical and ambitious nature finds a solid foundation in Taurus. Both grounded earth signs, you share a love for stability, tradition, and the finer things. Taurus’s patient and nurturing qualities offer the emotional support you crave, creating a sense of security. Their appreciation for comfort and beauty complements your desire for a well-structured life. Together, you build a relationship centered around shared values, mutual respect, and a commitment to long-term goals. Taurus’s loyalty and dependability reinforce your own sense of purpose, creating a harmonious partnership where both of you can thrive and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


A Capricorn-Virgo union is a match made in analytical heaven. Your shared dedication to work and excellence creates a powerful partnership. Virgo’s meticulous attention to detail complements your strategic mindset. Their loyalty and support reinforce your ambitious spirit, while your strong leadership inspires Virgo to reach new heights. Together, you create a dynamic duo capable of achieving great things. This relationship is built on mutual respect, shared values, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths. Expect a life filled with intellectual stimulation, shared goals, and a profound connection.


Capricorn, your disciplined and goal-oriented nature finds a passionate counterpart in Scorpio. Their intensity might seem overwhelming at first, but their depth and loyalty draw you in. Scorpio’s passion for life ignites a fire within you, while your grounded approach provides stability. Together, you create a dynamic balance of power and emotion. Scorpio’s protectiveness makes you feel safe and valued, while your support helps them channel their intensity into constructive endeavors. This relationship is a journey of exploration, both emotionally and intellectually. Expect a deep connection, shared commitment, and a lifetime of growth and transformation.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Likely to Marry: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Gemini: Aquarius, your innovative and free-spirited nature finds an ideal match in Gemini’s curious and adaptable personality. Both of you are air signs, which means your relationship thrives on intellectual stimulation, communication, and a shared love for exploring new ideas. Gemini’s quick wit and versatility resonate with your own need for mental engagement and freedom, creating a relationship that’s constantly evolving and full of excitement. In this partnership, you’ll find that Gemini’s love for variety and spontaneity aligns perfectly with your desire for independence and novelty. Together, you create a dynamic duo that’s always on the move, always thinking ahead, and always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Gemini’s playful and lighthearted approach to life helps to balance your more visionary tendencies, ensuring that your relationship remains both fun and intellectually stimulating. With Gemini, you’ll enjoy a partnership that’s built on mutual respect, shared curiosity, and a deep understanding of each other’s need for freedom and growth.

Libra: When Aquarius and Libra come together, it’s a match made in heaven for two who value harmony, balance, and intellectual connection. Libra’s diplomatic and social nature complements your own visionary and independent spirit, creating a relationship that’s both balanced and full of mutual respect. In this partnership, you’ll find that Libra’s love for beauty, peace, and fairness aligns with your desire for social justice, innovation, and progress. Together, you create a relationship that’s both harmonious and forward-thinking, where both of you can explore new ideas, engage in deep conversations, and support each other’s dreams. Libra’s ability to bring peace and balance to any situation helps to ground your sometimes unconventional ideas, while your visionary nature inspires Libra to think outside the box and embrace new possibilities. This relationship is marked by a deep intellectual connection, a shared love for socializing, and a commitment to creating a better world together. With Libra, you’ll enjoy a relationship that’s both inspiring and stable, where both of you can grow and evolve while staying true to your values.

Sagittarius: Aquarius, your love for freedom and exploration finds a passionate and adventurous partner in Sagittarius. Both of you share a deep desire for independence, new experiences, and a thirst for knowledge, making this partnership one that’s full of excitement and endless possibilities. In this relationship, you’ll find that Sagittarius’s optimism and enthusiasm align perfectly with your own innovative and forward-thinking nature. Together, you create a relationship that’s constantly evolving, always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and always seeking out new adventures. Sagittarius’s love for exploration and spontaneity complements your need for change and novelty, ensuring that your relationship never becomes stagnant or predictable. With Sagittarius, you’ll enjoy a partnership that’s built on mutual respect, a shared love for adventure, and a deep understanding of each other’s need for freedom and growth. This relationship is marked by a strong sense of connection, where both of you inspire each other to reach new heights, explore new horizons, and live life to the fullest.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Likely to Marry: Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn


Pisces, you’re a dreamer with a big heart, and Cancer is your perfect match. Both of you are deeply emotional, understanding souls who appreciate life’s quieter moments. Cancer’s nurturing nature and protective instincts create a safe haven for your sensitive spirit. You’ll find their home-loving side and desire for emotional closeness a perfect fit for your own needs. Together, you’ll build a bond filled with trust, comfort, and a profound understanding of each other’s worlds. Cancer’s loyalty will make you feel cherished, while your creativity will bring a touch of magic to their life.


When Pisces and Scorpio connect, it’s a powerful and transformative experience. Your shared emotional depth creates a bond unlike any other. Scorpio’s intensity and passion ignite your soul, while your empathy softens their edges. You’ll find their loyalty and determination incredibly grounding. Together, you’ll explore life’s mysteries, support each other through challenges, and experience a love that’s both passionate and deeply fulfilling.


Pisces, you might seem like opposites, but Capricorn is a surprisingly good match. Their grounded practicality balances your dreamy nature perfectly. You’ll appreciate their reliability and strong work ethic, which give you the security you crave. Their focus and determination can help turn your dreams into reality. In return, your compassion and creativity will bring warmth and inspiration to their life. Together, you’ll create a solid foundation for a love built on trust, mutual respect, and shared goals.

Final Musings

While astrology provides a fascinating lens through which to view potential partnerships, it’s important to remember that love and marriage are ultimately shaped by the choices we make and the effort we put into our relationships. The stars might guide us, but it’s our hearts and minds that create the lasting bonds we seek.

Whether you find yourself drawn to the signs mentioned or discover love in an unexpected place, trust that the universe has a plan for you. Embrace the journey, stay true to yourself, and let love unfold in its own beautiful, mysterious way. After all, the most important sign in any relationship is the one that says “love.”

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