The length of your fingers reveals the secrets to your personality
There are many methods that can predict your personality, but one of the most simple and accurate personality test is finger length interpretation.
With fingers the most important indicator of your personality is made by comparing the length of your index and your ring finger.
The nail doesn’t count!
Here’s what the length of your finger says about your personality.
Type A – The Charmer – Ring finger is longer than your index finger.
Those with their ring finger longer than their index finger are amazing lovers, they are often flirted with and others will respond well to their flirtations.
They are likely to have many sexual partners and are more inclined towards polygamy.
They are more outgoing, thoughtful and friendlier than the other finger types. They are charming and charismatic and take bold risk which often pay off handsomely.
They are talented with musical instruments and excellent at solving puzzles.
Men with this hand type tend to be heterosexual, woman tend to be bisexual.
They are best in work as CEO, soldiers and salesperson.
Type B – The Natural Leader – Index finger is longer than your ring finger
Those with an index finger longer than their ring finger, are confident, business minded, and natural leaders.
They are resourceful and a quick thinkers, people will often look to them for the right answers.
They are calm under pressure, even-tempered, and less anxious than the other hand types. They never lose their cool.
Men with this hand type tend to be gay, whereas woman tend to be straight.
You are best career would be a politician, author or teacher.
Type C – The Communicator – Ring finger and index finger are the exact same length
People will often confide their deepest secrets to you, even if they don’t know you well. You are a great listener and even better talker, you have the gift of the gab. You make others feel comforted and appreciated when they need it most. You are well balanced, peaceful, compassionate, people are drawn to you. You are at your best when helping others.
You are a faithful partner and believe in monogamy. You will most likely will get married.
You are well organized and try to get along with everyone.
You are peaceful and loving and try to avoid conflict.
You must be careful with your emotions as you are at greater risk of anxiety and depression.
You have the best memory of all finger types.
Your ideal career would be nurse, social worker, or therapist.