“Curse-Breaker’s Shield” is a potent protection spell designed to break curses and remove any negative energy or influences that may be affecting one’s life.
- White candle
- Protective herbs such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, or frankincense
- Bowl of salt water
- Bowl of pure water
- Incense
The Ritual:
1. Begin by lighting the candle and incense.
2. Take a handful of the protective herbs and sprinkle them around the area.
3. Visualize a white light of protection forming around you.
4. Place your hands in the bowl of salt water and visualize the water breaking any curses or negative energy that has been cast upon you.
5. Place your hands in the bowl of pure water and visualize the water purifying and cleansing your energy field.
6. Repeat the following incantation:
I cast this spell to protect me from harm,
To break the curses put on me and keep me safe from all alarms.
I call upon the elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water,
To cleanse my spirit and soul, to protect me from any further.
I invoke the power of the light to keep me safe,
To clear away all darkness, and ward away any hate.
I call upon the power of the moon and stars,
To keep me safe from harm and any future spells, no matter how far.
I call upon the power of the seven sacred rays,
To protect me from any dark energy and keep me safe from any dismay.
This ritual protection spell is spoken, so mote it be!
As I will it, so it shall be!
7. When you are finished, extinguish the candle and incense. Dispose of the herbs, salt water, and pure water in a natural way.
8. The ritual is complete.