“Mind’s Guardian” is a potent protection spell designed to protect one’s mind and psyche from psychic attacks.
Items Needed:
- A white candle
- A clear quartz crystal
- Lavender oil
- White sage
1. Begin by lighting the white candle and allowing it to burn for a few minutes.
2. Take the quartz crystal and visualize a bright white light surrounding it.
3. Place the crystal in front of the candle, and place a few drops of lavender oil on it.
4. Take the white sage and light it, then gently blow it out so the smoke surrounds the crystal.
5. Take a few deep breaths, and visualize the smoke and light from the candle and crystal wrapping around your body like a shield.
6. Speak the following words aloud:
“I create a powerful shield of protection around me, that deflects and repels any negative energy or psychic attacks that may be directed at me. I am safe and secure in the light of this protection.”
7. Let the candle and sage burn out naturally, and keep the quartz crystal with you as a reminder of your protection.
8. The ritual is complete.