Spell to make your love endure
- two pink candles
- a piece of parchment paper
- a pen
- rose petals
- a bowl of water.
1. Set up a small altar and place the items on it. Light the two candles.
2. Take a few moments to focus your energy and concentrate on the love you share with your partner.
3. On the parchment paper, write down the words “Our love will endure forever.”
4. Sprinkle the rose petals around the altar and into the bowl of water.
5. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Visualize your love growing stronger and more powerful with each breath.
6. When you feel ready, speak the following love spell:
“From the depths of my soul, I call upon the power of love.
Let this love be strong, true, and pure.
Let it last forever and never fail.
So mote it be.”
7. Blow out the candles and thank the Universe for its help.
8. Place the parchment paper in a safe place.
9. Your spell is complete.