Scrying is something all witches learn from a very tender age, it means to perceive or to reveal. To scry you need a reflective surface to gaze into, this can be a crystal ball, a mirror, a candle flame or water. It is an ancient technique used for the purposes of divination. Many witches use a crystal ball or a crystal sphere which stimulates their psychically induced images. You are the scryer and you are going beyond the conscious mind into a mystical place to gain information offered by the cosmos, our ancestor’s scryed using clouds by day, and the reflection of moonlight on water by night. Nonphysical shapes and images appeared on the surface of the water, in mirrors, crystal balls, clouds and flames. Sometimes what appears is symbolic or images from the past or future may be revealed. It is up to the scryer to interpret what the images, or symbols mean and it is only through practice and the intuition of the scryer that accurate, informative and helpful messages and information are revealed. Those who can scry anywhere anytime, are fortunate to have this magical skill, so long as they are able to switch it off at will and do not become completely distracted every time they see a shiny black surface. For the rest of us there are many things we can experiment with to make scrying easier, and different things will work for different people. Scrying can be defined as the art of gazing into a dark mirror, water or crystal, going beyond the physical eyes and letting the inner psychic eye open allowing us to receive visions and information.
Scrying is a learned skill, just as riding a bicycle, or ice skating, practice is necessary, even with an innate talent, and as with any other learned skill, patience is needed during the learning curve. When you first begin learning there will be times when you feel you have reached a point and are standing still, then there will be a shift of energy and a growth spurt will occur. There will be sessions where things work well, and sessions where you feel nothing is coming through, but as you continue you will find that there are more highs than lows, and you will feel more comfortable as you progress.
Some people have a natural aptitude for scrying. They only have to walk past a shallow puddle in the road, glance at a piece of black glass, admire the glossy fur of a black cat and numerous images flood into their minds. Others have to spend days, weeks, months, even years, mastering this apparently simple technique, staring into elaborate black mirrors and seeing nothing but their own dark reflection – frustrating indeed – and of course, that very frustration makes things more difficult. As with all magic, it needs to be taken seriously, but with a playful and curious state of mind. Trying too hard is counterproductive. One of the things which make scrying so hard for some people to do is that, like meditation, it requires an altered state of consciousness to be achieved, but with the eyes open. In meditation, path working, and in parts of a ritual most people prefer to work with their eyes closed, this makes an altered state so much easier to reach and to maintain.
Over the centuries people have been eager to know what the future holds and have tried various mediums to gain the anticipated information that will guide them in their life, they can find out about their financial situation, their loved ones and relatives. When there was no other form of communication, other than the written word carried by a messenger, or the spoken word, and people were away from loved ones, scrying was one way to keep an eye on those close. The world was a much bigger place then and people could not traverse the world with the ease we do nowadays.
For centuries scrying has been practiced by adepts and novices alike, by witches, magicians, sorcerers, priestesses, priests, kings and queens, many different tools were used, sacred vessels, pieces of glass, bowls of water, crystal balls, crystals and so on. What is revealed to the scryer is not always easy to distinguish and images, symbols or messages can be fuzzy, hazy and unclear. Our Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides often offer us assistance when we are scrying, by way of symbols, messages any imagery. We can consult with the God or Goddess energies and other deities, who can offer guidance through there infinite wisdom. The future always holds many variables and the future revealed when scrying is influenced by our choices, universal shifts beyond our manipulations, and the action or inaction of those with whom we interact.
The predictably changeable quality of the future, can through practice become clearer as our skills are honed, and through careful and cautious study and contemplation of the symbols, images and messages received, effective choices can be made. Thus our carefully calculated and implemented actions can holistically influence our destiny. Witches are adept scryers and at a glance are able to discern and interpret what is revealed to them, in whatever form it is presented.
The earliest uses of crystals and gemstones comes from the Druids to gain knowledge of their future, the Scottish Highlanders referred to them as the “stones of power.” During the middle ages crystal balls were considered precious items, and skilled scryers often passed them on to their apprentices. Apache medicine men used clear quartz crystals to induce visions and the Yucatan scryers placed a mystical reverence on the clear quartz crystals. The goddess Hathor carried a shield which reflected things in their true light, from this shield she was able to create the first magic mirror used for scrying. The Ancient Persians used the Cup of Jamshid, along with wizards and those involved with occult practices, with this they were able to observe the seven layers of the universe. The cup was filled with the elixir of immortality. The ancient Celts and Greeks used beryl tools, crystal, black glass, water and clear quartz. Romans used any shiny objects and crystals. Nostradamus used a bowl of water for scrying as he gazed into this and saw into the future. The Alchemists John Dee and Edward Kelley, used a crystal ball or polished obsidian.
Communication with Divine Energy takes place when someone is scrying, crystals have, are and will continue to be used for communication. Crystals are favoured by diviners because of their symmetry and are important tools for all those who practice the art of scrying.
When selecting a stone we should choose one that first draws us and refracts light well, pick it up and see how it feels, close your eyes and get a sense of the energy it is emitting, decide whether it feels right for you. If the first one does not then try the same thing again with another crystal, keep doing this until you find one that you feel in tune with and know you can work with. The traditional way to care for the crystal or crystal ball, was to never expose it to sunlight because sunlight inhibits the connection with the psychic mind and blurs the communication with the Divine Energy. Moonlight was thought to provide the correct energy by charging the crystals with the energy of the Moon.
Scrying is something that becomes easier through practice and it is found that those who are practiced in the art tend to see the same symbols and symbolic images, each time they scry. Therefore once correctly interpreted, the symbols can be quickly and readily understood in the context of the reading. In order to scry successfully it is necessary to allow the intuition free reign and to trust our psychic vision. Scrying can also help us to divine our dreams and use the knowledge to enhance our life.
Through scrying we are able to tap the wisdom offered by the Akashic Records which contains the experience and knowledge of all mankind, past present and what is held for our future. Once we enter this realm normal time restrictions do not apply, it means we have reached a place where there are no time limitations.
Often witches scry inside a magic circle to avoid being distracted by outside influences which distort the visions, it is better to scry at night as psychic vibrations are more easily received. Night offers the most suitable energy for any form of divination, and those who are skilled in the art of scrying will only do so after the sky is dark and the white noise of the day has lessened.
Witches use their scrying abilities to find a lost object, this is done by holding a crystal pendant over a map where the object is thought to be lost, the more energetically the pendant swings the closer you are to the lost item. When the crystal pendant has located the object it will pull down to the specific point on the map.
Whatever instrument you use to scry with you will be tapping your Clairvoyant abilities, images will be projected into your crystal ball, crystal sphere or whatever it is you have chosen to work with. It is the psychic eye that projects the images allowing you to see them and be able to interpret the messages. From this vantage point you are able to tune into the past, present and the future, and we are able to see beings from other dimensions. With practice and patience we are able to communicate with these beings from other dimensions, whether they be Angels, Nature Spirits, relatives who have passed over, or Spirit Guides. People often find that they have a particular connection, or spiritual link with people with whom they have been linked and who are acting as teachers.
Through scrying and the tapping of the Collective Unconscious we are able to not only see (Clairvoyance), but to hear (Clairaudience) which is hearing with our psychic ear. Through scrying and the burning of fragrant oils, scented candles and incense, we stimulate our psychic sensing (Clairsentience). This is where our psychic senses are heightened letting us tune into our feelings using this vital psychic sense.
If we think of ourselves as spiritual beings encased in a physical body we can then believe in the Divine Light within everybody and then tap into the wise inner being within us all. There is a vast amount of information floating around the cosmos and scrying assists us in tapping this readily available information. We all carry within us hidden and unprocessed information which through scrying can be accessed and used to enhance our lives. Images seen when we scry, offer us ancient information passed onto us from the experiences of the people from that particular time.
Information can be given through images given by Nature Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides or ancient ancestors, even deceased relatives offer guidance. Eventually after much practice, as soon as you see something in your crystal ball, mirror or water reflection, your mind will quickly interpret words and impressions. You may actually feel something physically, such as tingling in the fingers and toes, or a prickling sensation on top of the head, sometimes it may feel as though your face is being touched, this is to do with the energies you are accessing.
Through scrying you are able to travel back in time to view your past in this lifetime, you can then project forward and view what you will be doing in the future, viewing the people you are to meet, and the places you are to go. As you move backward and forward in time you experience the space where time has no relevance. Although when you move backward and forward you are in the space of no time, you can if you choose to gauge the time of when the future events are to take place.
When symbols are presented to us during scrying, even though we may not understand at first, what the meaning is, there is within us, somewhere down deep inside, where we retain the clairvoyant ability to interpret the meaning. Symbols, and the profound information they contain, will be shown more often once you develop your clairvoyant abilities, this is due to the fact that symbols offer information that is deeper and more spiritual.
A crystal ball will reveal detailed images more readily than the flame of a candle, and as your clairaudient ability becomes stronger you will be able to distinguish the messages you are given more readily. Clairaudience requires that we speak with gentleness and understanding when reading for others and revealing information that comforts and helps. When scrying with a crystal ball psychic touch operates as a generator to our psychic energies, transmitting psychic impressions, there is an energy field around anything you use to scry with, much as human beings have an auric field. It is important to use our own judgement regarding the validity and the appropriateness of the information we receive. While at the same time being acutely sensitive to the querent’s emotional wellbeing, and whether they are strong enough to receive all, or just some of the information received. Sounds often trigger impressions, fragrances, tastes, images and senses and can transport us to another time and place. Crystals are amplifiers, they receive and transmit energy assisting the one who is scrying.
To be able to scry successfully, dedication and patience is needed, and if your psychic abilities have not yet surfaced, you may find that scrying can awaken that which is within you waiting to be revealed. Once the symbolism has been revealed to you, and you have acquired sufficient understanding to interpret the symbols, scrying will become a more natural form of divination. If you find that it is too difficult to awaken your abilities through scrying, put it aside for a time and try the Viking Runes, or the Tarot, this may be an easier way to begin your journey. You can always go back to scrying as you become more in tune with your abilities.
To crystal scry successfully do so at night, as night rules the psychic mind and the energies are conducive to psychic phenomenon. Create a space in your home where you can sit comfortably, and have somewhere to place your crystal, or crystal ball. Always light a candle, or candles before you begin, making sure that candles are placed safely in suitable candle holders, and away from any flammable object or material.
Allow yourself to enter a relaxed state by closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths, when you open your eyes touch the crystal, or crystal ball until it feels warm, by doing this you are connecting your energy to the energy of the stone. The heat activates the stone and you are becoming as one with the instrument you will be using, thus allowing the psychic energy to flow.
Before beginning to scry, and while touching the stone it is important to contemplate the intention of the reading, being as clear and concise as possible. By sending out a clear message or thought, tuning in to the necessary psychic energies will begin.
You are now ready to gaze into the crystal, or crystal ball, at this point you are going beyond the conscious mind and entering a place of psychic awakening, where you will be receptive to messages, images or symbols that may be revealed to you.
As you gaze into the stone imagine your mind merging with the energy of the stone and being encased by the light within the stone. As you do this you will feel the energy shifting, go beyond any physical images as the reflective light of the stone links you with the Divine Energy, enhancing your psychic vision. When you feel as one with the Divine Energy, absorb the impressions and insights that come to you, your senses will heighten and your inner psychic ear will be acutely aware of sound. Relax into this energy and feel it flow through you.
While scrying information can come to you via all five senses, and will not necessarily be visual, sometimes it is just a sense of, or there may be flashes of intuition that you instantly understand the meaning of. How you receive the information is not as important as how you interpret it, when you review what you have perceived during your scrying, do so in a non-logical way.
As you are learning, limit your sessions by giving yourself a specific amount of time in which to work, begin with ten minute sessions and work up from there. You are aiming for a session of forty five minutes in length, in this time you enter an altered state of awareness leading to acute psychic receptivity.
The most common techniques for scrying are;
Water Gazing
Water gazing, dark water is a good way to start, not least because it is easily available and costs nothing. A pool can be lovely to scry in, though I would recommend sitting or kneeling down to do so, since it is very easy to forget what your body is doing once your mind becomes absorbed, and it is somewhat undignified to fall into the (possibly stagnant) water at a moment of great revelation. A black bowl filled with water is another method and has the advantage of being safe and suitable for indoor use. Tap water is fine, but spring water will probably work better. Perhaps the best kind of water to use is Moon water: spring, rain or sea water which has been placed in the Moonlight every night for a whole lunar cycle. The water can be blessed in whatever way you feel is appropriate, possibly dedicated to one of the Moon goddesses who rule such activities as these. An alternative to using a black bowl is simply to use any dish but to darken the water with black ink. The old witch in her cottage would doubtless have done her scrying in a bubbling cauldron of stew or in the water boiling in an iron pot ready to make up some herbal brews.
Crystal Gazing
Crystal gazing, always use a clear crystal, one you have chosen for the specific purpose of scrying, and only use it for this purpose, this is the most popular form of divination. It is to be a crystal that draws you and one that feels comfortable to the touch, place it on a table in front of you. Do your deep breathing until you are completely relaxed, make sure you have a lit candle behind your crystal then touch the crystal. When scrying with a crystal you may turn it to view different images, crystals are conductors of energy, able to send and receive signals. Once you have become attuned to your crystal you will receive a wealth of information, through thoughts, images, symbols, senses, supernatural beings, or loved ones. Older crystals have a higher frequency and are able to keep records of ancient knowledge. As you gaze at your crystal you are looking at the window of the crystal and while you work the crystal will bring into balance the body, mind and spirit. When you and your crystal link frequencies you will intuitively receive information that is relevant, sometimes when gazing into the crystal shapes will move and change before your eyes.
Fire Gazing
Fire gazing, flame of a candle can produce some dramatic and startling results as the energy of fire is conducive to psychic visions, always use candles with care and place then safely in candle holders.
Mirror Gazing
Mirror gazing, black mirrors are easiest to use because they don’t slop about like water (at least not under normal circumstances!). They are expensive to buy but very easy to make. Spray the back of the glass from a cheap clip frame with a couple of coats of black enamel paint. Make sure the glass is spotlessly clean before you do so as any little marks may spoil your concentration when you come to use it. Once the paint is completely dry, return the glass to the frame. Bless the mirror if you wish to and treat it with the respect due to any magical object. It can be kept hanging on the wall or put away after use, wrapped in a natural material like silk or cotton. If you prefer something a little more fancy, charity shops are excellent hunting grounds for interesting frames. The size of the mirror is not important, although if you are just learning the technique, a larger surface area will probably prove easier to use. I would also avoid too elaborate a frame on a small mirror as it may distract you. When gazing into a mirror, with all lights turned out you enter a trance preparing you for scrying work, it acts as a focal point for visualisation and can become a doorway into the astral plane.
The dark mirror allows communication with higher realms, and the subconscious access to the Akashic Records. View your past lives by gazing into the mirror and watching your face change shape, and your hair change style and colour. Each time you try this, the images become more refined and detailed, allowing you to gain a clearer picture of your history. Spirit energy can also be perceived while gazing into the mirror, some people find this a little daunting the first time they try this. A black scrying mirror is a powerful psychic tool, offering the user hidden knowledge and clairvoyant ability, it can also be a portal to other planes of existence. The hidden mysteries of oracular temples and the ancient rites of the magick mirror and the techniques that were practiced are again coming to light.
A further use of this art is to communicate with another person, such as a magical partner, especially if they live a long way away and you cannot meet very often. Each person should have their own mirror, dedicated solely to this purpose. Ideally the mirrors should be identical and made by the people involved on an occasion when they are together, to ensure the closeness of the link. When separated both people look into the mirror at an agreed time and a good psychic channel of communication can be set up. With practice, it becomes possible to call the other person to the mirror if you really need to talk to them at a time when you have not agreed to meet.
Egyptian Dream Scrying
Egyptian Dream Scrying, used by the ancient Egyptian priests and priestesses as part of their initiation ceremony. Water would be placed in a large black bowl, after entering into an altered state the Initiate gazed into the vessel and the Initiates destiny was revealed. To use the Egyptian Dream scrying technique you must observe absolute silence once the sun sets, until after you have finished scrying. Drink only water before you begin and shower or have a bath, after which you are to use olive oil on your temples. After bathing and before you begin scrying light a candle. Next write on a plane white piece of paper with black ink the purpose of your Dream scrying, and the name of a dream god. Morpheus and Thoth are both dream gods. Draw an image of the dream god on your left palm, sit comfortably and gaze at the candle flame. Look at the image on your palm and call upon the dream god of your choosing by saying the name of the god, then recite after the name “I invoke through the silence of night awakened power of dreams divine.” You then focus on your question and blow out the flame of the candle. After this climb into bed and go to sleep, when you awaken write down your dreams and decipher the messages.
Symbols are subjective, and interpretation is peculiar to the diviner, a crystal will offer a clear picture of a symbol or symbols, they can be messages from spirit energy nearby. You will likely find that over time, and after symbols are repeated, you begin to get a sense of what they mean and the message becomes clear.
There are traditional interpretations that some scryers use, however over time it is likely that you will create your own, until that time you may wish to try these;
Blue clouds: Career or business success.
Gold clouds: The chance of a new romance, a flow of cash, prosperity.
Grey clouds: Dark gray – Black; Sadness, disappointment, ill fortune.
Green clouds: Happiness and good health.
Orange clouds: Unresolved emotions, suppressed anger and aggression.
Red clouds: Be aware of what is going on around you.
Silver clouds: Some difficulty ahead which will be overcome leading to happiness.
White clouds: Good fortune awaits.
Yellow clouds: Be patient and strong there are obstacles to come.
Stones used for scrying
Apophyllite: This stone allows us to see into the future after gazing into it.
Diamond: Suitable for all types of scrying.
Obsidian: This is a black power stone that aids us in accessing the subconscious mind.
Scrying is a magical art with many possibilities. Exactly what it is and how it works is for each individual practitioner to decide for themselves, but it will certainly enhance and focus both the psychic and creative abilities of the magician who is drawn into dark pools to find the bright treasure of secret knowledge. The act of scrying is related to the Moon and lunar energy that is why it is always best to practice after dark. When within your home and before you begin, extinguish electric lights and work by candlelight. Experiment with where and how you like to work, and always place yourself in a calm and quiet environment to assure a successful session, you may also work with quiet music without lyrics. For any type of divination a calm and meditative atmosphere is necessary, somewhere the scryer can feel unhurried, peaceful and calm, and are able to comfortably open up to the Divine Energy.