When we talk about our star signs, we are mainly speaking about our Sun sign – The position of the Sun when we were born. But there is also your Moon sign, which is just as significant or even more so than your Sun sign. Your Moon sign is dictated by the position of the Moon when you were born.
As the moon moves through the sky during the lunar month, it changes signs approximately every two and a half days. That means, a Scorpio born on the 10th will have a different Moon Sign to a Scorpio born on the 15th.
In some religions the Moon was even more powerful than the Sun. The Romans set aside a sacred feast day for the Moon. The name for it persists to modern times, though we now call it Monday rather than Moon Day.
When gazing at the sky, the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size, visually, the two are equal, the evidence of science states otherwise.
The moon is associated with feminine energy and The Sun is associated with masculine energy. The classic Yin Yang. Everyone contains both masculine and feminine traits, regardless of your gender.
Your Sun sign is the part of you that appears on the surface, it is what everyone else sees. It represents your personality, It’s your soul. Your Moon sign is the part of you that you see, it represents emotions, instincts and the subconscious, It’s your heart. In essence, the Moon represents the side of you that reacts before you have time to think.
Your Moon sign shows how you will get along with someone in a relationship, it’s even more important to know your partners Moon sign than Sun sign. Have you ever met someone with the same Sun sign and found that person to be nothing like you? You probably have different Moon signs.
The Moon in your horoscope modifies your Sun sign; it brings in new forces, motivations and special elements to the character of your Sun sign. Study both your Sun sign and Moon sign and learn the positive and negative sides to these signs and try to recognize these elements within yourself.
Your Moon sign is just as important to who you are as your Sun sign is, and learning about what yours means will shine a whole new light on your personal astrological makeup.
If you do not know what your Moon sign is, click button.
Jump ahead to your Moon sign:
Moon in Aries
The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, Aries have a highly-strung and fiery disposition. They have been known to be hot-headed and have explosive outburst but they cool off just as quickly. They never hold grudges and never shy away from conflict.
Aries make instant impressions of the world around them, and never doubt them for a moment. As a result, they tend to be very sure of their opinions and don’t like it when people question or contradict them.
There are no hidden emotions with Aries, they tell it like it is. So be careful when asking for their option, it could be rather harsh.
They love the thrill of new love or lust, but will lose interest if things become too routine and predictable.
Aries feels most secure when they able to rely solely on themself, without any external rules or options of others.
Aries is a warrior and has a need to express their fiery and creative spirit. To feel secure in a relationship they need honesty and directness. They would rather have an argument and get things out in the open rather than stay quiet for the sake of harmony.
Aries Moon often reach positions of authority and are successful in business and government. The Aries moon gives you enhanced leadership abilities and the power to sway others.
Aries moon love the thrill of the chase, even more so than the prize.
Famous People with the Moon in Aries
Dante Alighieri
Leonard Bernstein
Marlon Brando
Robert Browning
Al Capone
Salvador Dalí
Charles de Gaulle
Isadora Duncan
Bobby Fischer
Bill Gates
Henry VIII
Whitney Houston
Friedrich Nietzsche
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Albert Schweitzer
Mark Twain
Stevie Wonder
Moon in Taurus
Taurus moon have the most stable emotions of any moon sign, this may be because you have a positive and practical outlook as well as being methodical, patient, and responsible.
The moon in this position gives you great powers of concentration and patience. Determination runs deep through your character. Naturally grounded, you have the ability to remain calm even in the midst of crisis. A Taurus moon can provide grounding, especially in contrast to an emotional water Sun sign.
A Taurus Moon adds to your physical strength and gives you great endurance. It also gives you have the ability to win popularity with the public.
The Taurus moon is a creature of habit and feels best with stability and routine. You dislike large parties and noisy groups, preferring a quiet candlelit dinner with your close friends. But once life gets chaotic, Lunar Taurus feels deeply unsettled.
In relationships, you need loyalty, reliability and sensuality and are happiest in a committed relationship. You seek a true soulmate and when you find them you will faithfully settle down. You are romantic with elegant manners and you have a unique style of dressing. You enjoy romantic locations and dinners at a fancy restaurant.
Taurian’s do not form opinions quickly. They carefully study all the facts before coming to a conclusion but when you do there is no way to make you change your mind.
Taurus moon like the finer things in life, luxurious environments, delicious meals and their cosy creature comforts.
Famous People with the Moon in Taurus
Bjorn Borg
Bill Clinton
Prince Charles
Scott Fitzgerald
Greta Garbo
Billy Graham
Che Guevara
Katharine Hepburn
Hubert Humphrey
Mick Jagger
Carl Jung
Frida Kahlo
Peter Sellers
Karl Marx
John Milton
Joe Namath
Gregory Peck
Ronald Reagan
George Bernard Shaw
William Shakespeare
C.P. Snow
Moon in Gemini
Gemini moons are fascinated philosophical ideas. They will marvel at new locations and the mysteries of the universe. A Gemini grounds themselves with facts and information, so communication is paramount for those born under a Gemini moon.
They are happiest when their ever-curious mind is being fed with new knowledge and perspectives. They also love sharing this information. The only down side is they can lose interest in something just as quickly as they started. In relationship their partner needs to be gifted talker, able to chat about anything and to offer a steady flow of communication throughout the day. They also like their lover to be elusive, hard to figure out or mysterious.
Moon in Gemini have an active mind and imaginative personality and will be drawn towards intellectual pursuits. They have quick minds who can rapidly sift through information. They likely have very high IQ.
They are quick-witted and vibrant and have wild conversations that can run off on unexpected tangents. They are openminded and will change their opinion if offered a new fact or why of looking at something.
Moon in Gemini are gifted writers and speakers, and tend to take careers as teachers, journalist or writers.
They are restless souls who need constant stimulation, they become unhappy if forced to be indoors, solitary or inactive. They thrive on travel, change, and meeting different kinds of personalities.
Moon in Gemini are highly-strung and can be irritable or snappy. Other times they can be witty and amusing and a delight to be with, it all depends what mood they are in. Regardless of their mood, Gemini-Moons are charming and imaginative with an independent spirit.
In business they are versatile and great with people. They perform best when partnered with someone practical and hard-headed.
Famous People with the Moon in Gemini
Fred Astaire
Joan Baez
Brigitte Bardot
Jack Benny
Pablo Casals
Bette Davis
Sigmund Freud
Steffi Graf
Buddy Holly
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
Gypsy Rose Lee
Jack London
Louis Pasteur
Mary Pickford
George Bernard Shaw
Spencer Tracy
Queen Victoria
Barbara Walters
Andy Warhol
Christopher Wren
Moon in Cancer
If you have the Moon in Cancer, you have strong emotions and are very empathic, you perceive the world around you through your feelings rather than your mind. You don’t share your feelings readily with others which can sometimes make it difficult for others to know where you stand. You may appear aggressive on the surface but underneath you are gentle and can easily be hurt.
Moon in Cancer are artistic and creative who work best when they can work at their own pace without being subjected to the time clock. Cancerians have an excellent memory and often have careers as teachers, historians, actors or writers. Famous Moon-Cancerians in these walks of life are Humphrey Bogart, Benjamin Spock, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Harrison Ford.
You are the most emotional of all other Moon signs with many ups and downs, and when combined with the waxing and waning influence of the Moon produces quick shifts in temperament which can leave you emotionally exhausted, though these mood swings don’t last long.
You are at your best in a deeply loving and committed love relationship. It is in Cancer’s nature to mistrust love, and will often be worried that their partner does not love them or will leave. You also believe that to be alone is a fate worse than death.
When you find true love and feel secure your relationship will blossom.
Famous People with the Moon in Cancer
Humphrey Bogart
Lord Byron
Tom Cruise
Phyllis Diller
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Harrison Ford
Clark Gable
Farrah Fawcett
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
Princess Margaret of England
Bette Midler
Isaac Newton
Eleanor Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Jean-Paul Sartre
Paul Simon
Benjamin Spock
Moon in Leo
Leo-Moon like to be the centre of attention, and enjoy taking on public roles, like a famous actor. Leo-Moons dream of being the best in their field and can hold themself to impossibly high standards. You possess a wonderful sense of humour and great charm, which makes you fun to be with. There is a sense of excitement about you, but if nothing interesting is happening you will create it.
You are extremely intelligent and a quick leaner, but if a subject does not arouse your affections, you have no interest in exploring it further. You have little sympathy for petty or narrow thinking.
Moon-Leos are great at inspiring people to do their best, which makes them work well within a group. Sociable, sincere and open you have a wonderful way of lifting the spirits of others.
Vanity is a weakness of the Leo and they are suckers for compliments.
You have an emotional need to be appreciated, whether it’s in a relationship or at work. You will most likely get the attention you desire because the Moon gives quality to your personality.
You are drawn to the finer things of life, good food, fine wines, fancy clothes. You are a great host and loves giving lavish parties.
In a relationship you are romantic and you need a partner who makes you look good. You have a tendency is to put the object of your affection on a pedestal. On the negative side, you can be jealous and rather possessive toward your loved ones.
In general Leo Moons are warm, affectionate, outgoing and charismatic with an instinct for leadership.
Famous People with the Moon in Leo
T. Barnum
Pearl Buck
Clint Eastwood
Queen Elizabeth II
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tom Hanks
James Joyce
Mao Tse-tung
Paul McCartney
Ralph Nader
Prince Philip
Margaret Chase Smith
Diane Sawyer
Gloria Steinem
Oscar Wilde
Moon in Virgo
Virgo moons are intelligent, practical and realistic, this practical realism makes them good at business and at handling money. Virgo Moons are satisfied by logic, organization, and structure. They love to be helpful and are always fulfilled when contributing in practical ways. Their eye is on the long-term profit rather than immediate gain, and they are concerned with security and providing for retirement.
They are highly sceptical and tend to question everything they are being told. Virgos are sometimes so sceptical they don’t even believe in what they see with their own eyes.
Moon-in-Virgo are perfectionist, who bring professionalism to everything they do. They are methodical and will solve any problem one small step at a time.
Virgo-moon are very logical and find illogical people frustrating to deal with. They choose their friends carefully and are selective about the cultural activities they take part in.
Generally, Virgo-Moons are caring and giving and can always be counted on. They enjoy being useful to others.
They are seekers of truth and love to discuss ideas and probe into opinions held by others.
In relationships Virgo-Moons don’t have much self-confidence. Being so practical one would think that they would choose someone similar, but strangely they prefer someone quite different from themselves, someone emotional and ready to share their feelings. They have high standards in relationships, and require reliability and responsibility from their partners.
Famous People with the Moon in Virgo
Ingrid Bergman
Andrew Carnegie
Winston Churchill
Bill Cosby
Marlene Dietrich
William Faulkner
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Mel Gibson
William Randolph Hearst
Lyndon B. Johnson
Edward M. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Shirley MacLaine
Pierpont Morgan
Leo Tolstoy
Moon in Libra
Libra symbol is the scales, having your Moon in Libra gives you a strong desire for balance and harmony. You have heightened awareness of your surroundings and of other people. A Moon in Libra also confers great personal charm and enhances the ability to get along with people. You have a pleasant personality are great at understanding the other person’s point of view.
You like beautiful things and try to surround yourself with pretty objects. You have a keen appreciation for beauty and art and an artistic eye unmatched by any other Moon sign. If you could you would live in a room filled with flowers with romantic music playing in the background.
You thrive with an active social life, but need plenty of alone time as well.
Libras love relationships, and you’re always looking for your other half. They love with their head rather their hearts. For someone to become your lover they must possess certain qualities such as good manners, good looks, and a light hearted personality. You may go through many affairs before you settle down with someone, but once you are in a contented marriage, it will be a source of great satisfaction and reassurance. You will be genuinely happy.
You dislike anything vulgar, coarse or unpleasant behaviour and keep as far away from it as possible. If it comes into your life, it can throw you off-kilter. In relationship you need someone similar to you so there is little arguing.
In general Moon-Libra are magnetic, polished and have charming manners.
Famous People with the Moon in Libra
Marie Antoinette
Louis Armstrong
Arthur Ashe
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Maria Callas
Frederic Chopin
Agatha Christie
Walt Disney
Amelia Earhart
Henry Fonda
Rose Kennedy
Rudolph Nureyev
Sylvia Plath
Sydney Poitier
Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor
Bruce Springsteen
Sylvester Stallone
Twyla Tharp
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Lana Turner
Rudolph Valentino
Moon in Scorpio
Moon-Scorpio is a water sign, they are known for their intense emotions and are highly intuitive.
They keep their emotions hidden and appear calm on the surface, however inside they could feel very angry or unhappy about something. They have great memories which work well for business, but can also lead them to brood over old emotional wounds. If they have been wronged, years later they may plot their revenge.
With these deep emotions they will often need to escape into fantasy for a while to bring back inner peace.
They are persistent and determined and will rise above most obstacles. They have high standards and pride themselves on craftsmanship. They are ambitious and are endowed with executive ability.
Scorpio-Moon possess a sensuality that attracts the opposite sex, this often causes difficulties in their love life and find themselves marrying more than once. They crave deep connections and transformative experiences and take they privacy very seriously.
In relationships the Scorpio-Moon hide their private feelings and instead tries to uncover the hidden realities of their partner. They fear being controlled most in a relationship and their partner will have to prove themselves trustworthy. Once they have proven themselves the Scorpio will commit themselves fully to their partner.
The Moon in Scorpio will give you great inner strength, irresistible sensuality and magnetic flair for influencing others.
Famous People with the Moon in Scorpio
Julie Andrews
Warren Beatty
Truman Capote
Jimmy Carter
Charles Chaplin
Miles Davis
Paul Getty
George Harrison
Alfred Hitchcock
Henry Miller
Nelson Rockefeller
Elizabeth Taylor
Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the last fire sign of the Zodiac, represented by the archer.
Sagittarius-Moon are always on a quest to discover the unknown. They love their freedom and traveling to strange and foreign places. They like being active, regular exercise and time in the wilderness. They happiest when they balance their physical activity with philosophical and spiritual exploration. They can get unhappy when they feel trapped, whether it’s in a relationship or by life circumstances.
They are quick thinkers, have sharp minds and an ability to get things done in a flash. They have a brightness that the other signs do not have. They have great insight and can see further down the line than most people.
They are the kind of person who envisions great goals then set about achieving them with no fear of failure. With energy and enthusiasm, they set about their task and usually accomplish what they set out to do.
Sagittarius-Moon have a chameleon-like personality and can change and adapt to different kinds of personalities and to foreign and strange places.
They are not good at saving money, they feel the whole purpose of money is to buy pleasure and enjoy life. They can also be rather reckless, seeing they believe they have excellent luck, they can take great risk expecting to come out on top. However, a setback does not keep you down for long, with refreshed spirit you set upon your next venture.
Sagittarius-Moons can be over dominating, so they must take care not to talk over other people or act smarter than everyone else.
In relationship they need to feel free, even when in committed. They need a partner who enjoys the thrill of discovery and willing to travel and explore the world together. Because they are charming, they make friends easily.
Sagittarius Moon have a love for learning, humanitarian instincts, and a gift for being an independent thinker.
Famous People with the Moon in Sagittarius
Neil Armstrong
Anne Bancroft
Lewis Carroll
Bing Crosby
Charles Dickens
Albert Einstein
Vincent van Gogh
Bob Hope
Anthony Hopkins
Howard Hughes
E. Lawrence
Henri Matisse
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Pablo Picasso
Oprah Winfrey
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Capricorn are determined, ambitious and hardworking. They are Self-sufficient and a somewhat solitary. They have an alert mind and are very eager to learn, they are not interested in theory, they want to put their knowledge into good use. Because of their unshakable commitment most Capricorn-Moons become quite successful in their life. They have an instinct for getting to know the right people.
Capricorn has both a stabilizing and restrictive effect on the emotional Moon. People with the Moon in this position will have to overcome obstacles and complexities within to find the happiness they are after.
Capricorn is fulfilled through status, successes and achievements rather than money. Money is of course important to them, just not as much as their status.
Capricorns are very sensitive and warm persons but they only show that to people who have won their trust. They tend not to find true love as youths, but at some point in their 30s when they feel secure within an emotional relationship they will commit for a lifetime.
Moon in Capricorn are steadfast, loyal, generous and giving. They usually give far more than then they receive, especially in relationships. Inside they suffer from insecurity and loneliness, and will only open to their closest friends. They try to mask this with a dry sense of humour.
Moon in Capricorn gives you ambitious and powerful personality, and an instinct for excellence.
Famous People with the Moon in Capricorn
Lucille Ball
Yogi Berra
Napoleon Bonaparte
Johnny Carson
Dick Cavett
Thomas Alva Edison
Margot Fonteyn
John Glenn
Ernest Hemingway
Gene Kelly
Robert Kennedy
Abraham Lincoln
Anaïs Nin
Stephen Sondheim
George Washington
Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius-Moon are the most humanitarian sign of the zodiac. They are rational, intuitive, well balanced and deal with the world in a scientific, open-minded way. They are witty and charming and make friends with all types of people.
Aquarius-Moon are interested in in ideas, philosophy and higher learning. They are students of all science and enjoy art, music and literature. They are interest in the unknown and what lies ahead. They are well-rounded intellectually with a range of interest in many different fields and they keep a varied group of friends.
Many Aquarians are gifted clairvoyants and see things before they happen. With the moon in this position makes you rather floaty and often lost in day dream.
You are a visionary, but when it comes down it comes to the hard work and sweaty toil of turning a concept into a reality, you tend to lose interest quickly.
You’re happiest when you’re pouring your time and energy into lofty ideas and improving life for others in your community. Even if that means putting the greater good above your own needs.
In relationships you are very romantic and need good communication. You dislike possessive, jealous or over demanding lovers. Sometimes you choose a partner who will shun you, the less interested someone is in you the more interested your become. Good communication is important to you in relationships as is plenty of alone time.
An Aquarius Moon gives you an independent, stimulating mind and a persuasive charm with people.
Famous People with the Moon in Aquarius
Muhammad Ali
Woody Allen
Fidel Castro
Marc Chagall
Angela Davis
Diana, Princess of Wales
Arthur Conan Doyle
George Gershwin
Cary Grant
Timothy Leary
John Lennon
Sophia Loren
Eugene McCarthy
Marilyn Monroe
Richard M. Nixon
Adlai Stevenson
H.G. Wells
William Butler Yeats
Moon in Pisces
Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac. If you have the Moon in Pisces, you have great empathy and the ability to feel how everyone around you is feeling, simply by being in the same room as them. But because you feel other people’s energy so deeply, you must be careful not to sink in a sea of emotions.
After spending time with people, you will need to retreat to a calm quiet place, so you can recharge and the water can settle. This could mean a solo escape into nature, art studio or just inside your imagination. Due to this empathy power of yours, it’s crucial that you keep a peaceful home environment, preferably near water. Pisces takes comfort in their peaceful fantasy world.
As a Moon-in-Pisces person you are also deeply spiritual and philosophical and love sharing your knowledge with others. You are artistic and have a keen love for beauty and the arts. Many Moon-Pisces have careers as actors, writer, composing, or painting.
A peculiar danger for you is that you see the world with romantic glasses on, you see things how you would like them to be rather than how they really are. This romanticism is not apparent on the surface, for you try to keep this part of your nature hidden.
In relationship you are romantic, loving, caring and kind. You do everything you can to make your partner happy. It is in your nature to do this, even if your partner does not do the same. You have a tendency to put your partner’s needs first.
You feel vulnerable and dependent and will build up an elaborate array of defences to avoid being hurt. Once you get past this and trust your partner you will have a truly joyful relationship
Those with Pisces-Moon have a sympathetic heart and a great capacity for doing work good in the world.
Famous People with the Moon in Pisces
Paul Cezanne
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Marie Curie
Audrey Hepburn
P.D. James
Helen Keller
Martin Luther King Jr.
Paul Newman
Edgar Allan Poe
Elvis Presley
Martin Scorsese
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frank Sinatra
Susan Sontag
Robert Louis Stevenson
Leonardo da Vinci
Stanford White