Year of the Snake – 2013
The year of the Snake begins on February 10th, heralding steady progress, meticulous attention to detail and self discipline. The black Snake is imbued with these qualities and by tapping them there is nothing you cannot create. Of the twelve animal signs the snake’s position is sixth in the Chinese Zodiac. The intuitive Snake oozes with quiet, steady power, and is the most refined of the twelve animal signs, the Snake is circumspect and self reflective. A Snake image or statue in the home is said to bring good fortune.
The year of the black Snake 2013 has associates with the black Obsidian crystal, much is taking place within the darkness, and that which is in a nascent state will surface during the year of the Snake. What has been hidden will without a doubt surface during 2013 the year of the black Snake. During the year of the Snake it is important to tread carefully and plan diligently to avoid difficulties due to hasty action and lack of thought. The year of the Snake can often be rife with sudden and unexpected changes and meetings with the most unusual people.
If ever there was a year for those born in the year of the Snake to use their intuition 2013 is it, assessing situations quickly and rationally will be important. This is also the year to work on important tasks as much can be achieved this is a perfect foundation year for Snakes. Any Snakes who have been trying to keep something under the surface that keeps vying for attention will find they have to take notice and can’t walk away during 2013. Complicated business matters are likely to present themselves, documents will need to be signed, deals made.
The Snake requires a secure environment to work within and needs to feel safe, the home/office is to be carefully planned for the Snake to completely relax. It is most important before any important work for the Snake to take time to meditate thus calming the mind and body. It is a good idea for Snakes to have scented candles (rose and gardenia) and/or incense to create an ambient environment.
Much can be accomplished by the Snake in its namesake year, this year offers opportunity for daring and accomplishment.
There is a certain serenity to those born in the year of the Snake, a Snake person will always offer wise counsel those in need and approaches problems intuitively. While others are reacting the Snake personality is approaching with caution and logic. The Snake has a healthy ego and likes attention, without attention the Snake has a tendancy withdraw, curl up and brood. The Snake loves all that is beautiful and a Snake home is filled with carefully chosen pieces that have meaning.
Sensuality is attributed to those born in the year of the Snake, they are romantic and passionate lovers, as bossy in the bedroom as they are in all other areas of their life. The Snake personalities love to surprise their lover’s, partners, husbands, wives and whoever is close to them, with gifts given for no apparent reason, they can be extremely generous. The Snake handles money well and likes to maintain a healthy bank balance, they can also be thrifty when it is necessary.