Protection Spells

Spell to remove an enemy from your life

Spell to remove an enemy from your life
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This spell can be used to remove an unwanted person from your life.

Items needed:

  • White candle
  • Black candle
  • Salt
  • Water
  • A piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Start by clearing and cleansing your energy space. You can burn sage or incense and visualize white light surrounding you.
  2. Place the white candle on the left side of your altar or workspace and the black candle on the right side.
  3. Light the white candle and say,

    I call upon the power of light and love to surround and protect me.

  4. Light the black candle and say,

    I call upon the power of darkness and shadow to remove all negativity from my life.

  5. Sprinkle salt around the candles and say,

    May this circle of salt protect me from all harm.

  6. Fill a cup with water and hold it in your hands. Visualize the water purifying and protecting you. Say,

    May this water wash away all negativity from my life.

  7. Take the piece of paper and write the name of the person you want to remove from your life. Write it as many times as you feel necessary.
  8. Hold the paper over the black candle and say,

    By the power of fire, I banish (name of person) from my life.”

  9. Hold the paper over the white candle and say,

    By the power of air, I bring peace and positivity into my life.

  10. Rip the paper into small pieces and sprinkle them into the cup of water. Say,

    May (name of person) be washed away from my life.

  11. Pour the water outside or down the drain, and extinguish the candles.
  12. Thank the elements and any deities or spirits you called upon to assist you.
  13. Close the circle and ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths.
  14. Spell complete.

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    I need this I have unwanted presence in my house.. I really need to get rid of them??

    i really need this unwanted person out of my life but i have my yes and no for doing this spell.

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