This spell is used to bring a new business partner into your life.
Items needed:
- A white candle
- A business card
- A piece of paper with the words “A new business partner” written on it.
1. Begin by lighting the white candle.
2. Place the business card in front of the candle.
3. Take the piece of paper, hold it in your hands and close your eyes.
4. Visualize the type of business partner you are seeking.
5. Speak aloud or in your mind the following words:
“I call forth a new business partner, one that will bring prosperity and success to my business.”
6. Place the piece of paper in front of the candle and allow the candle to burn for at least 15 minutes.
7. When you are finished, extinguish the candle, and thank the universe for bringing you a new business partner.
8. Place the business card and the piece of paper in a safe place.
9. Your ritual is complete.