Love Spells

Spell to help bring your soulmate into your life

Spell to help bring your soulmate into your life
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Spell to help bring your soulmate into your life.

Items Needed:

  • 2 rose quartz crystals
  • a pink candle
  • a bowl of water
  • rose petals


1. Begin by setting up your work space.

2. Place the two rose quartz crystals on either side of the pink candle.

3. Fill the bowl with the water and rose petals.

4. Light the pink candle, and take a few moments to clear your mind and focus on your intention to bring your soulmate into your life.

5. Repeat the following chant:

“I call on the power of love,
Bring my soulmate to me from above.
Bring to me this special one,
Let my soulmate’s love be won.
As I will, so mote it be,
And bring us together in harmony.”

6. Visualize a loving energy radiating around you. Imagine a beautiful, glowing light connecting you to your soulmate. Feel the love and connection between you two.

7. Closing the ritual: When you are done, snuff out the candle and thank the Universe for bringing your soulmate into your life. Place the two rose quartz crystals in the bowl of water and rose petals to cleanse and recharge them.

8. Ritual complete.

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