Spell to bring more passion into your life.
Items needed:
- 2 red candles
- Piece of paper
- Pen or pencil
- Rose petals
- Essential oil of your choice
1. Begin by lighting the two red candles and placing them at opposite ends of your altar/space.
2. Place the piece of paper and pen/pencil in between the two candles.
3. Spread the rose petals around the paper and candles.
4. Place a few drops of essential oil on each of the candles.
5. Take a deep breath, and repeat the following spell.
“I call on the power of love,
To bring passion into my life.
A love that’s deep and true,
A love that will never die.
Let the power of this love spell,
Bring me a passionate love.
I am open and ready,
To receive the love I deserve.
So mote it be!”
6. When you have finished the spell, blow out the candles and thank the gods/goddesses for their assistance.
7. Your spell is complete.