Love Spells

Spell to draw that special someone into your life

Spell to draw that special someone into your life
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Spell to draw that special someone into your life

Items Needed:

  • Red Candle
  • Piece of Paper
  • Pen
  • Rose Petals
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Lavender


1. Find a quiet space and light the red candle

2. Place the piece of paper and pen next to the candle

3. Sprinkle the rose petals, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, and lavender around the candle

4. Close your eyes and envision the person you wish to draw into your life
5. Chant the following words:

“By the power of three, I call to thee.
Bring forth the one who is meant for me.
Let love and light come through this night,
Bring me the one who will make my heart ignite.”

6. Blow out the candle and release your intention into the universe.

7. Your love spell is complete.


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