Spell to bring a lover into your life
Items needed:
- Red candle
- matches
- rosemary
- jasmine
- lavender
- small piece of paper
- pen
- a bowl of water.
1. Place the bowl of water in the center of a clean and quiet space. This can be in your living room or bedroom.
2. Place the red candle at the edge of the bowl of water and light it.
3: Place the rosemary, jasmine, and lavender around the candle and the bowl of water.
4: Take the small piece of paper and write down your wishes for a loving partner.
5: Fold the paper and place it in the bowl of water.
6: Focus on your wishes and the candle flame and repeat the following spell:
“I call upon the powers of love
To bring to me a perfect dove
My life will be filled with love and light
When my true love appears in sight”
7: Allow the candle to burn until it is completely extinguished.
8: Dispose of the herbs and the remains of the candle in the bowl of water.
9: Take the bowl of water outside and pour it onto the ground to let your wish be sent out into the universe.
10: Know that your wish will be granted.