Old wives’ tales are like whispers from the past, little nuggets of wisdom passed down from generation to generation. Some are practical, rooted in common sense and old-school science, while others are quirky, superstitious, and downright bizarre. Whether you heard them from your grandmother, your neighbor, or that one friend who always swears by them, these tales have a way of sticking around.
They cover everything from health and beauty tips to predicting the weather, guiding you through life with their charm and mystery. Sure, not all of them hold up under scrutiny, but there’s something comforting about these little pieces of folklore. They connect us to a time when life was simpler, and people relied on observation, tradition, and a little bit of luck to get by.
So whether you’re looking for a chuckle, a trip down memory lane, or a curious tip to try out, we’ve rounded up 100 old wives’ tales for you. Some you might recognize, others may surprise you, but all of them are a delightful reminder of how creativity and imagination shape the way we understand the world.
100 Old Wives Tales
- Eating carrots improves your eyesight.
- A spoonful of honey cures a sore throat.
- If your palm itches, you’re about to come into money.
- Never sweep the floor after sunset; it sweeps away good fortune.
- Don’t walk under a ladder; it’s bad luck.
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- If your ears are burning, someone’s talking about you.
- Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck.
- If you spill salt, toss a pinch over your left shoulder to ward off bad luck.
- Pregnant women shouldn’t look at the moon; it could cause a birthmark.
- A black cat crossing your path is bad luck—or good luck, depending on where you’re from.
- Don’t open an umbrella indoors; it invites bad luck.
- Drinking warm milk helps you sleep better.
- Stepping on a crack will “break your mother’s back.”
- If you see a single magpie, it’s a sign of sorrow; two bring joy.
- A stitch in time saves nine.
- Garlic wards off vampires—and bad energy.
- Pregnant women who crave sweets are carrying girls, and those who crave salty foods are carrying boys.
- Never rock an empty rocking chair; it invites spirits.
- Fish is brain food.
- If your nose itches, you’re about to have company.
- Sweeping under someone’s feet means they’ll never marry.
- Eating crusts makes your hair curly.
- Carrying a rabbit’s foot brings good luck.
- A ringing in your ear means an angel is talking to you.
- Never cut your nails on a Sunday; it’s bad luck.
- To cure hiccups, hold your breath and count to ten.
- Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.
- Drinking cranberry juice prevents bladder infections.
- It’s bad luck to cross knives.
- Butterflies bring good news.
- If you drop a knife, expect a male visitor; a fork means a female visitor.
- A bird flying into your house is a bad omen.
- Putting shoes on the table invites bad luck.
- Sleeping with wet hair causes colds.
- If a child plays with fire, they’ll wet the bed.
- Eating watermelon seeds will make a watermelon grow in your belly.
- If a picture falls off the wall, it means bad news.
- A ring around the moon means rain is on the way.
- Rubbing your chest with Vicks Vaporub cures a cold.
- Never put a hat on a bed; it’s bad luck.
- Always knock on wood to avoid jinxing yourself.
- If you sneeze three times in a row, someone’s thinking of you.
- Don’t let a cat near a baby’s crib; it will “steal” the baby’s breath.
- Eating raw eggs makes your voice stronger.
- Never whistle indoors; it invites spirits.
- Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck.
- If you cross your eyes, they might get stuck that way.
- Don’t eat chicken on New Year’s Day; it’ll scratch your luck away.
- Spilling water on someone accidentally brings them good luck.
- Hanging a horseshoe above a door brings good luck.
- If a dog howls at night, it’s an omen of death.
- Eating bread crusts makes you strong.
- A spider seen in the morning brings sorrow; in the evening, joy.
- Never trim your hair on a Friday; it’s bad luck.
- If you spill tea, expect a visitor.
- A broom falling means company is coming.
- Seeing a shooting star brings good luck if you make a wish.
- Don’t let a bat fly into your house; it’s a bad omen.
- Swallowing gum means it will stay in your stomach for seven years.
- Dropping a comb means an argument is coming.
- A red sky at night is a shepherd’s delight; a red sky in the morning is a shepherd’s warning.
- Never leave your purse on the floor; it’ll make you lose money.
- Chewing parsley makes your hair grow faster.
- If you hear an owl hoot three times, someone is going to die.
- Always leave through the same door you entered to avoid bad luck.
- A cat washing its face means company is on the way.
- If your right hand itches, you’ll receive money; if your left hand itches, you’ll lose money.
- Don’t sew on a Sunday, or you’ll have a hard life.
- If you find a four-leaf clover, it brings good luck.
- Cutting your hair during a full moon makes it grow faster.
- If you cross paths with a funeral procession, hold your breath to avoid bad luck.
- Eating grapes on New Year’s Eve ensures prosperity.
- Never kill a spider; it’s bad luck.
- If you dream of teeth falling out, it predicts a death in the family.
- Pointing at a rainbow is bad luck.
- If you spill oil, wipe it up quickly to prevent bad fortune.
- Putting a coin in a new purse or wallet brings wealth.
- Don’t sleep with your feet pointing toward the door; it invites death.
- Throwing rice at weddings ensures fertility and good luck.
- If the first butterfly you see in spring is white, it will be a good year.
- It’s bad luck to light three cigarettes with one match.
- Dropping silverware foretells visitors: a knife means a man, a fork a woman, and a spoon a child.
- If you hear a rooster crow at midnight, danger is near.
- Swallowing a cherry pit means a tree will grow in your stomach.
- Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyes.
- Never sweep dust out the front door; it sweeps away good fortune.
- Placing a mirror across from your bed invites bad energy.
- Always cover your mouth when you yawn, or your soul might escape.
- If a candle burns blue, it means spirits are nearby.
- Counting stars will bring bad luck.
- An itchy nose means a fight is coming.
- Eating lemons during pregnancy makes a baby fair-skinned.
- If your wedding ring falls off, it signals trouble in your marriage.
- Hearing church bells ring on your wedding day is a blessing.
- Leaving scissors open is bad luck.
- If you break a needle while sewing, it’s a sign of bad news.
- A sudden shiver means someone just walked over your grave.
- Seeing two blackbirds together brings good luck.
- Tying a red ribbon on a baby’s crib wards off evil spirits.
Final Thoughts
There’s something magical about the way old wives’ tales weave together wisdom, caution, and imagination. They remind us to look for meaning in the everyday and to embrace the little mysteries of life. Whether they make you laugh, ponder, or shake your head in disbelief, these tales are a gift from the past that keeps us connected to our roots.
So, the next time you catch yourself avoiding a crack in the sidewalk or tossing salt over your shoulder, remember—you’re keeping a bit of history alive. Who knows, maybe there’s some truth to these tales after all, or at the very least, a story worth sharing.