The Magic of Crystals and Gemstones
Crystals and gemstones are like people, each one is unique and exudes a specific energy, a crystal or gemstone may be used for healing, magic, spell casting, to inspire, uplift, balance, calm and energise. Stone can enhance learning, alleviate stress, balance the energy fields in your home, activate your energy and promote lucid dreaming. Crystal energy can assist you in any area of your life and for any reason, each crystal or gem has a multitude of uses, and it will choose you, not the other way around. When purchasing a crystal or gemstone there will always be one that stands out from the rest, you will be attracted to the stone and be compelled to take it home with you. The crystal or gemstone that comes to you will be the one you need at that particular moment in your life.
Movement in the Earth’s crust is the catalyst for the formation of a crystal, as superheated liquids and gases, filled with different elements, move rapidly towards the surface. As the liquids and gases cool they crystallize, the temperature, pressure, surrounding rocks and other elements determine which minerals crystallize at a particular pace, crystals and rocks produced in this way are known as igneous. When crystals and rocks are exposed to the elements, they begin to erode and small particles are washed into the sea forming silt deposits. After extreme pressure for millions of years, these deposits become compressed, forming sedimentary crystals and rock.
Many ancient cultures believed that stones contained a life force and used them to conduct rituals and for healing. It is believed that the lost city of Atlantis used crystal power extensively. Stones have also played an integral role in various religions. The most ancient jewellery was found in Queen Pu-Abi’s tomb at Ur in Sumeria, dating back to the third millennium BC. Ancient priests believed crystals to be a force that defied all evil. The Egyptians engraved an eye of lapis lazuli, symbolising Ra the sun god, and to the Cherokee Indians crystal is a sacred stone used for healing.
It is not necessary for a person to possess special abilities to work with crystals and gems, all you need is the intention and the desire to perform a particular type of magic to enhance your life, the work is done with the energy of the crystal or gem, and you are the conduit. Seen as a connecting force between earth and ether, crystals are used for crystal ball readings, scrying, spell casting and invoking.
Cleansing your Crystals
To cleanse your crystals they can be placed in a warm water bath with detergent added, use a soft toothbrush to clean well, then place your crystals in cold water and leave for at least one hour. After removing your crystals from the water place them outside in the sun, or inside near a window where they will receive the sun’s rays. If the day is cloudy place them inside near a window and let them dry naturally. When night falls place the crystals outside, allowing them to absorb the moon’s rays, or inside near a window where they can be charged by the light of the moon.
Becoming Attuned
You can attune to the energy of a crystal or gem, by touch, and moving the stone from hand to hand while you concentrate on the particular qualities of the individual stone. After a few minutes you will become aware of a pulsing or tingling in your hands. This is a signal of your conscious awareness of crystal energy, and a bonding between you and your crystal.
Energy and Intention
Each crystal has a pre-programmed energy for you to work with, and if you state your intention before working with a particular crystal, it will then resonate with energy and amplify the energy. While holding the crystal in both hands, breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth and into the crystal, do this for approximately 3 minutes. By doing this you are connecting your intention with the inherent qualities of the crystal and activating the life energy within the crystal.
There are a multitude of ways to use your stones, such as placing an amethyst under your pillow for a comfortable dreamed filled sleep, you may like to carry a small crystal or gem in your bag or pocket. Place crystals around your plants to aid growth, or put one next to your computer to diffuse the electromagnetic energy. Keep one on your desk when you are working to inspire you, use a gem or crystal to help you organise scattered thoughts and to help you think more clearly. If you are feeling a little run down, wear one as an amulet to repel dense energies and protect your psyche. Place a crystal in each area of your home to create harmony.
When meditating with a crystal, work with the same one each time, it will attune to you and the way you work, by doing this you will be able to reach a deep meditative state very quickly. A crystal is used to amplify thought, will, and intention, and once a connection is made everything is enhanced. Crystal healing is dependent on a quiet mind and meditation is an integral part. To achieve the best results it is important to still and clear your mind before you begin, an empty mind is essential for healing.
Healing with crystals and gems is an ancient practice embraced by many cultures, there are no specific rules to abide by, trust your intuition and work in a way that you are comfortable with. Over time a style is developed that suits the individual, with each healer working in their own way and embracing their particular quirk factor. When you are healing, an appropriate crystal may be placed on a particular area of the body that is afflicted. Crystal and gemstone healing is not meant to replace traditional treatment, nor is it a cure for all that ails, it should be used as a complementary therapy. The more you work with crystals the more attuned you will become to their subtle energies. When healing with a crystal you may want to choose a crystal wand, this will have one rounded end and one pointed end, a crystal wand can be used to recharge your entire body. The crystal can be held and pointed at the area of the body that is in need of healing, you then visualise a stream of white light emanating from the tip and flowing into the body. Crystal healing clears blockages and brings everything into balance.
Keep a crystal and gemstone journal, write down everything you do, the type of crystal or gem and its properties, how you used it and how you felt afterwards. When you used it and what the results were, also take note if you find that one crystal works better than another, document your first impressions or images associated with each crystal. If you keep a Book of Shadows, your crystal and gemstone journal can become part of it.
AGATE – Inspires competition and eloquence (perfect if you have something to say). For Mouth – fever – circulation.
AGATE BLUELACE – Composure, calm, balance. Inflammation – fever.
AGATE BOTSWANA – Understanding. Recuperation – infection.
AGATE DENDRITIC – Balance, energy, steadiness. Recuperation.
AGATE MOSS – Assertiveness, renewal. Heart – lungs.
AGATE TREE – Organisation, management. Chest – stomach.
ALEXANDRITE – Investment, growth. Nerves.
ALMANDINE – Inspiration, tolerance, affection. Eyes – heart.
AMAZONITE – Self-expression, insight, stabilises emotions, promotes growth, study, clarity, insight, success. Nerves.
AMBER – Helps career, relieves stress, accomplishments, uplifts. Depression – chest.
AMETHYST – Aids sleep, reduces electrical energies, creates calm and tranquility, inspires happiness, generates positive feelings, relieves stress. Addictions – acne.
AMETRINE – Resolution, teaching. Metabolism – mouth.
ANDALUSITE – Moderation, enlightenment. Memory – vision.
ANGELITE – Bravery, abundance, communication, overcoming challenges, balance. Infection – headache.
ANHYDRITE – Co-ordination, concentration. Lungs.
ANTIMOANY – Intellect, progress. Cold – flu.
APATITE – Calms, helps business, will help you speak up if need be. Bones.
APOPHYLLITE – Tranquillity, honesty. Respiration.
AQUA AURA – Dexterity, the arts. Throat – healing.
AQUAMARINE – Insight, love, growth, calms nerves, brings peace, promotes truth. Stills the mind.
ARAGONITE – To energise. Allergies – nerves.
ASTROPHYLLITE – Confidence, insight, the intellect. Reproductive organs.
AUGELITE – Contemplation, justice. Digestion – muscles.
AVENTURINE – Judgement, relieves tension, prosperity, clears the mind. Eyes – migraine.
AZURITE – Meditation, concentration, spirituality. Liver.
BARITE – Writing, decisions. Muscles.
BERYL – Determination, stability, calms, reduces stress. Very effective when used for love spells. Nerves – physical strength.
BLOODSTONE – Temperance, kindness, courage, wealth, confidence. Bloodstream – circulation.
BLUE JOHN – Renewal, strength. General health.
BLUE CORAL – Balance, protection from negativity. Worry.
BOWENITE – Intelligence. Head – scalp – tension.
BRAZILLIANITE – A social crystal, enhances relationships. Nerves – skin.
CALCITE – Comfort, inspiration, calm, balance. Bladder.
CARNELIAN – Passion, sensuality, sexual energy. Rheumatism – arthritis.
CASSITERITE – Endurance, contentment. Cuts – bruises.
CATS EYE – Inner vision, security. Headaches.
CELESTITE – Calm, relaxation, meditation, eases worries. Nerves – stress – travel sickness.
CERRUSITE – Confidence, nerves, insomnia. calm. Nerves – antivirus.
CHALCEDONY – Stamina, energises, awakens, stimulates the mind and removes negativity. Depression – circulation – low energy.
CHALCOPYRIE – Perception, intuition. Lungs – hair.
CHAROITE – Assertiveness, inspiration. Cramps.
CHIASTOLITE – Stability. Veins – rheumatism.
CHRYSOCOLLA – Self awareness, self-expression. Heart – blood.
CHRYSOPRASE – Passion, beginnings, sensuality, friendship, prosperity, good luck, physical love. Fertility healing.
CHRYSOTILE – Partnerships, generosity. Arteries – veins – lungs.
CINNABAR – Independence, stability. Heart – appetite.
CITRINE – Calm, uplift, dreams, psychic ability, intuition. Circulation – diabetes – anxiety.
COLEMANITE – Loyalty. Lungs – muscles.
CORUNDUM – Awareness, confidence. Eyes – skin.
COVELLITE – Communication. Mouth – ears – nose.
CROCOITE – Action, industry. Sex organs.
CRUPITE – Awareness, teaching. Bladder – circulation – stomach.
DANBURITE – Social grace, dignity, confidence. Muscles.
DESERT ROSE – Perception, intuition. Stress – recuperation.
DIAMOND – Abundance, prosperity, courage, business, strength. Health and wellbeing.
DIOPSIDE – Love, lovers, partnership, commitment. Circulation – lungs – heart.
DIOPTASE – Meditation, partnerships. Headache – stress.
DOLOMITE – Optimism, hope, belief. Limbs.
DUMORTIERITE – Patience, calm. Skin – nausea.
EILAT STONE – Spirituality, meditation, balance. Wellbeing.
EMERALD – Prosperity, intellect, truth, psychic ability. Helps the truth to surface. Headaches – infection – thyroid – tension.
EUDIALITE – Management, overcoming. Sex organs – recovery.
FLUORITE – A stone that harnesses spiritual awareness, meditation and grounding. Inflammation – bones – healing.
FRANKLINIITE – Imagination. Eyes – hair.
FUCHSITE – Teamwork, productivity. Arteries.
GALENA – Dedication. Insomnia.
GARNET – Creativity, charm, charisma, used as an amulet by travellers, attract love. Infection – anaemia – insomnia.
GEODE – Growth, psychic ability, inspired dreams. Fertility.
GOETHITE – Perseverance competition. Nerves.
GOLDSTONE – Optimism. Stomach – tension.
GRANITE – Balance, stability, determination. Skin – hearing.
GRAPHITE – Assert, achieve. Spine – hearing.
HEMATITE – Calm, serenity. Blood – tiredness – stress – eyes.
HERKIMER DIAMOND – Opens the mind, enhances dreams, learning, study, it can be used to enhance the power of other stones. Stamina – energy.
HICKORYITE – Adventure, imagination, removes negativity, creativity. Boredom – feeling down.
HORNBLENDE – Wisdom, insight, communication, balance. Fingers – toes.
HOWLITE – Resilience, competition. Bones.
IOLITE – Control, management. Chest – addiction.
IRNAMITE – Calm, rational, judgement, emotional balance, inspiration. Muscles – strains.
JADE – To calm the mind, longevity, benevolence, providence, to attract friendship and as a travel talisman. Bladder – kidneys
JASPER – To attract what you desire. Nerves – blood.
JET – Dispels negativity, empathy. Migraine – healing.
KUNZITE – Balance, stability, communication. Heart – skin.
KYANITE – Energy, strength, finance. Hearing.
LABRADORITE – Charisma, to improve relationships, quells inhibitions, releases hidden qualities. Feet.
LAPIS LAZULI – Spirituality, mysticism, protection, wisdom, truth, integrity, abundance, wealth creation. Heart – bones – eyes.
LARIMAR – Rapport, meditation. Breathing – neck.
LAVAKITE – Intellect, learning, adaptability, achievement. Brain.
LAZULITE – Serenity. Teeth.
LEPIDOLITE – Recharge, balance, peace. Nerves – pessimism.
LEUCITE – Clear thinking, protection. Nerves.
LODESTONE – Communication, teamwork. Glands – circulation.
MAGNETITE – Composure, learning. Heart.
MAGNESITE – Enlightenment, emotional balance. Bones – fever.
MALACHITE – Business prosperity, optimism, plant growth, spells. Rheumatism – recovery – asthma.
MARBLE – Renewal, compassion. Fever.
MARCASITE – Ambition, rapport. Brain – circulation.
METEORITE – Intuition, benevolence, communication, adventure. Spiritual guidance.
MOLDOVITE – Insight, sensitivity. Fertility – renewal.
MOOKAITE – Responsibility. Health.
MOONSTONE – A feminine stone associated with the Goddess Diana, attracts lovers and ensures safe travel, it enhances beauty and devotion. Swelling.
MORGANITE – Intellect, commerce. Hearing.
MOSS AGATE – Self-awareness, meditation. Glands – lungs.
MTOROLITE – Serenity, capability. Nerves.
MUSCOVITE – Inspiration, energy. Speech – muscles.
OBSIDIAN – Brings matters to the surface, dispels negativity, creates tranquility. Digestion – stomach – stress.
ONYX – Spiritual alignment, harmony, peace of mind, tranquility. A protection amulet. Heart – hearing – stomach.
OPAL – Attracting, creativity, prosperity, luck, power, abundance. Chest.
OPALITE – Invention. Tiredness.
PEACOCK ORE (Bonita) – Mind stimulant, can be used as a charm. Brain – eyes.
PEARL – Creativity, certainty. Headaches, Tension.
PERIDOT – Intuition, career, wealth, abundance, protection. Metabolism.
PHENACITE – Intellect, Insight. Limbs – stomach.
PIETERSITE – Organisation, objectivity. Sleep – respiration.
PREHNITE – Insight, intellect. Stomach.
PURPURITE – Prosperity, leadership. Wounds.
PYRITES – Truth, awareness. Recuperation.
QUARTZ CLEAR – Generally used for healing purposes, to cleanse mind, body, spirit. Vertigo.
QUARTZ ROSE – The love crystal associated with Venus, joy, happiness, peace, harmony often used in love spells. Migraine – headaches.
QUARTZ RUTILATED – Passion. Anxiety.
QUARTZ SMOKEY – Use in spells to remove negative energies, or as a lucky talisman. Spine – depression – stomach.
QUARTZ SNOW – Relaxation, meditation, serenity. Nerves – stress.
RHODOCHROSITE – Comfort, stillness, friendship, love, balance, stability. Insecurity – Eyes.
RHODONITE – Communication. Hearing – memory loss – recuperation.
RHODOLITE – Stability. Glands.
RHYOLITE – Marketing, stability. Skin.
RUBELLITE – Prosperity. Heart – back – recovery.
RUBY – Luck, fortune, contentment. Circulation.
SAPPHIRE – Love, partnership, protection, power, inspiration. Depression.
SARDONYX – Forgiveness. Neck – hearing.
SATINSPAR – Insight, calms disputes. Spine.
SCAPOLITE – Strength, achievement. Veins.
SCHALENBLENDE – Attract, abundance. Eyes – muscles.
SCHEELITE – Awareness, balances relationships. Colds – flu.
SCHORL – Balance, practicality. Intestines – liver.
SEFTONITE – Enhances relationships, learning. Circulation.
SERPENTINE – Meditation, enlightenment. Stomach.
SIDERITE – Loyalty, intellect. Hands – bones.
SILICONE – Attract, draw to you. Muscles.
SILVER – Perception. Recovery.
SMITHSONITE – Harmony, consideration. Digestion.
SOAPSTONE – Loyalty. Back.
SODALITE – Confidence, self-assertion, meditation. Chest – insomnia – blood pressure.
SPESSARTINE – Renewal, confidence.
SPHALERITE – Integrity, career. Calms nerves.
SPINEL – Intellect, energy. Depression – skin – stress.
SPIRIT STONES – Vitality, awareness. Cleansing.
STAUROLITE – Brings all elements together, integration, focus, awareness. Body – spine – memory loss.
STEATITE – Adventure, communication. Digestion.
STICHTITE – Loyalty, creativity. Chest – muscles – joints.
STILBITE – Creativity, understanding. Toxins.
SUGILITE – Co-operation, co-ordination, inspiration, peace of mind, psychic awareness. Healing – inflammation – pain.
SULPHUR – Protection and intellect. Arthritis – rheumatism – skin
SUNSTONE – Insight, regeneration, can be used in spells associated with sexuality. Depression – eyes.
TANZANITE – Vitality, movement. Bones – anxiety.
THULITE – Aligns mind and body, meditation, concentration. Hands – tendons.
TIGER IRON – Endurance, vigour, clarity. Physical strength – energy.
TIGERS EYE – Insight, Integrity, overcoming. Limbs – asthma.
TOPAZ – Legal matters. Infection – digestion.
TOURMALINE – Confidence, success, abundance, luck. Healing.
TURQUENTINE – Travel. Limbs.
TURQUOISE – Protects the home, aligns friendships, comfort, tranquility. Throat – respiration – recovery – chakra healing.
ULEXITE – Contentment. Teeth – worry.
UNAKITE – Strength, stability, enhancement. Back – feet – muscles.
UVAROVITE – Joy, vitality. Throat – voice.
VANADINITE – Friendships, socialising. Lungs.
VARISCITE – Writing, meditation. Digestion.
VERDITE – Friendship, partnership. Nervous system.
VESUVIANITE – Intuition, partnership. Depression.
VIOLAN – Vitality, Insight. Genitals.
WILLIAMSITE – Truth, tranquility. Inflammation – lungs – chest.
WOLLASTONITE – Meditation, grounding energy, moderation. Glands – bones.
WULFENITE – Relationship balance and harmony. Digestive system.
ZEOLITE – Clear thinking, independence. Toxins – addictions.
ZINC – Loyalty, joy. Bones – muscles – back.
ZIRCON – Clarity, rest, sleep. Genitals – PMS.
ZOISITE – Attraction. Fertility – fingers – joints.