This spell can be used to create a protective crystal charm.
Items needed:
- A small crystal or gemstone of your choice.
- A length of thread or string.
- A small bowl of saltwater.
- A white candle and a lighter or matches.
- A piece of paper and a pen.
Ritual Steps:
1. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed. Light the white candle and place it in front of you.
2. Take the crystal or gemstone and hold it in your dominant hand. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing your mind on your intention to create a protective charm.
3. Visualize a bright white light surrounding you and your crystal. Imagine this light expanding outwards, creating a protective shield around you.
4. Take the thread or string and tie it around the crystal, creating a loop that you can wear as a necklace or bracelet. As you tie the knot, say the following words: “By the power of my will, I create this charm to protect me from harm.”
5. Place the crystal charm in the bowl of saltwater and leave it there for at least an hour. The saltwater will cleanse the crystal of any negative energy it may have absorbed.
6. After an hour has passed, remove the crystal from the saltwater and dry it off with a clean cloth.
7. Hold the crystal in your dominant hand again and focus your mind on your intention to create a protective charm. Visualize the white light surrounding you and your crystal again.
8. With the piece of paper and pen, write down a few words or affirmations that represent your intention for the charm. For example, “I am protected from all harm” or “This charm shields me from negative energy.”
9. Fold the piece of paper and hold it between your hands along with the crystal. Say the following words:
“I infuse this charm with my intention and the power of the universe. May it protect me always.”
10. Place the charm in a safe place, such as a pouch or jewelry box, until you are ready to wear it.
11. Your spell is complete.