This spell is used to reduce the amount of debt you owe.
Items Needed:
- A green candle
- A piece of paper with your debt amount written on it
- Lavender oil
- A lighter or matches
Ritual Steps:
1. Begin by clearing your mind and focusing on the goal of reducing the amount of debt you owe.
2. Anoint the green candle with the lavender oil, while focusing on the goal of reducing your debt.
3. Light the candle while saying,
“My debt be reduced, by the will of the gods and goddesses.”
4. Take the paper with your debt amount written on it and place it under the burning candle.
5. Visualize your debt balance decreasing, as the candle flame burns.
6. Allow the candle to burn out completely.
7. Once the candle has burned out, take the paper and burn it in the flame, while saying,
“My debt be reduced, as I will, so shall it be”.
8. Place the ashes of the paper in a safe container and thank the gods and goddesses for hearing your prayer.
9. Your ritual is complete.