Spell to bring some flirtation into your life
For those not looking for a serious relationship, this spell will bring some lighthearted flirtation into your life.
Recite the following.
Witch Mathelda make for me a chant with passion
Rose petals lavender mixed with magic
Two independent beings with outlook aligned
Together for a moment in time
Let us play the game of life
Let us keep a space between us
Let us stand as separate beings
Heartbeat sends a silent message heard only by the one for me
Someone who is full of charm
Someone who will pay attention
Someone who is light of spirit
Someone who is light of heart
Humour frivolity will be theirs
I to them will be most delightful
Their eyes will be drawn to mine alone
Whimsical thoughts will enter their head
I will appear to them a divine creature
Mathelda chant with wild abandon
The one for me will hear your call
Heartbeat sends a silent message
Heard only by the one for me
Two passing strangers meet by magic
Give to me this starry night the one for me who will delight
Two passing strangers drawn by magic will collide this night
It will be