This spell is for the couples who know its time to marry, it will encourage them to take the next step.
Items Needed:
- 2 white candles
- Rose petals
- A bowl of water
- A piece of paper, pen and a lighter
1. Place the two candles on either side of the bowl of water, and place the rose petals in the bowl.
2. Light the two candles and focus on the flame for a few moments, calming your mind and body.
3. On the piece of paper, write a love letter to the person you want to marry, expressing your love and desire to take the next step.
4. When you’re finished, fold the paper and place it in the bowl of water.
5. Focus on the flame of the candles and repeat these words aloud:
“Fires of passion, bring us together,
The love we share, now and forever.
This bond of ours, will never break,
As we share our commitment, for our love’s sake.”
6. Allow the candles to burn out, and when they do, the ritual is complete.