Aura Reading
What is the Aura?
Auras are the invisible energy that surrounds our body and all living things. Even a rock or a chair has an aura. Each person has their own aura that reflects their personal energy.
Our aura has several layers which reflect our personalities, lifestyle, thoughts, emotions and potentials. The name aura comes from the Greek word avra, which means breeze.
Some psychics are able to see several layers, and most people with training are able to see at least three. In fact, many people are able to see auras as children, but lose the ability as they mature.
Most people have an aura that envelops them within about a 3-foot radius, people who have endured trauma and tragedy often have larger auras. It is believed that the more spiritually evolved the person is, the larger his or her aura will be. The aura of the Buddha, for instance, was believed to have extended for several miles.
In traditional interpretation each layer of the aura represents a different area of life. For instance, the mental aura governed the thought processes and the emotional aura the emotions.
The layers of the aura pulsate outwards from the body, with the first layer being closest to the body and the 7th layer being furthest away from the body.
Each layer also increases in vibration as it moves outwards, with the 7th layer carrying the highest vibration.
The seven layers are: Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial and The Spiritual.
Seeing Auras
Most people do not see the aura with the naked eye, however with training, anyone can learn to see the aura, you can even learn to feel the aura. When the aura is first seen it appears to be white and almost cloud-like in appearance. Gradually, as auric sight develops, colors can be seen. Every aura has a basic color that reveals important information about the person, this color shows the person’s emotional, mental, and spiritual nature. There’s a lot of information available for someone gifted with that type of sight. Some clairvoyants also detect energy patterns, blockages, and scenes in the energy field.
Our thoughts and emotions can be seen in our aura, this is where common sayings such as “red with rage” and “green with envy” come from. These thought waves come and go, and are not to be considered a permanent part of the aura. No one remains “red with rage” for weeks or months on end. However, negative thoughts and emotions can create permanent changes in the aura. In these instances, the colors change from the naturally glorious, vibrant colors into dull, repulsive, even evil looking colors.
Though you might not be able to see a person’s aura at first, you can almost certainly sense it. You can attribute the magnetic or repulsive feeling you get when you first meet a person to his or her aura. With time, however, you can learn to see auras, which can help you better understand yourself and the people around you.
Average people possess average auras and the intensity and size depends entirely on their mood at the time. If they are feeling generous their auras appear strikingly beautiful. However, when they are contemplating something that might be underhanded or dishonest their auras contract and become murky. Genuinely good, kind people also possess large, beautiful auras.
Auras are at their most gorgeous when people are in love. Their auras expand and the colors dance vibrantly. When the two lovers are together their auras merge into one, creating a single aura that reaches heavenwards.
More adept individuals, such as spirit mediums are able to provide aura reading and aura interpretations. They can scan the body for blockages and imbalances, detecting and reflecting personality strengths, and describing scenes of events that have recently occurred or are about to occur.
Professional clairvoyants enjoy using this perception to enhance psychic readings and energy healings.
As you can see, the ability to see the aura can be extremely useful and practical. It can tell you when you are in the presence of someone who is generous, loving and kind, and it can also warn you of someone who is dishonest, lustful or wanting to take advantage of you in some other way.
Shaped and Symbols
Some people have shapes and symbols inside their aura, these shapes have symbolic significance. For instance, a star indicates significant psychic ability, a triangle is a sign this person is protecting someone or being protected, a circle is a symbol of fulfillment and inner contentment.
An arrow symbol often appears when the person is under a lot of stress, a cross indicates a tough decision needs to be made.
Some of these shapes and forms may well be thought forms. When this is the case, you will notice that they last for several seconds and then disappear. This is because most of us cannot sustain a single thought for any length of time.
Auras and Other People
Our auras interact with other people’s auras all the time. When we meet someone, our auras open up allowing the two auras to mingle. When a couple are in love their aura will combine into one beautiful vibrant aura. When we meet someone we don’t like our auras will repel each other.
Have you ever met someone you instantly dislike, but for no reason? this is because you have been repelled by the other person’s aura, this is a warning for you to avoid this person.
People who think only negative thoughts tend to repel others away.
Psychic Vampires
Some people are what is known as a “psychic vampire” or “energy vampire”. These people drain your energy to enhance their own. Have you ever felt completely drained after spending time with someone? The chances are that person was a psychic vampire. These people are narcissist and controlling, they are psychically unaware, and lack self esteem. Consciously or unconsciously they drain energy from other people, which is good for them, but leaves everyone else feeling exhausted and frustrated. Being drained can be visible within your aura, you could start the day with a bright, vibrant aura, but after spending the day with these people, all the color and luster has been drained away.
How to See an Aura
- Start in a room with neutral lighting, nothing too bright.
- Focus on the center of a person’s face, do this for about 30 seconds, until the face begins to blur.
- Pay attention to your peripheral vision.
- What you will begin to see is a shadowy and grey outline to the person’s body.
- Now very gently move your eyes to look at this outline around the person.
- Notice any colors that begin to present themselves.
- The colors and lights that you see is the aura!
Initially you may just see a single colored aura but as you gain expertise, you will start seeing different colors in a person’s aura.
If you want to see your own aura, follow the above steps, but looking at your own hand.
It takes practice, concentration and patience to see an aura. It all depends on your level of concentration and how you channel yourself and your consciousness. You may take a lot of time to get it right or you may take no time at all.
There are seven aura layers and there seven Chakra in our body. Each Aura layer is associated with one of the Chakras.
Aura is the energy field outside the body, Chakras are the energy centers within the body.
The colors of your aura change, but Chakra colors are deeply anchored and remain constant. Only a major life event can change the color of a Chakra.
The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit language meaning spinning vortexes of energy.
The 7 Chakra
Crown Chakra – Violet – Associated with peace, wisdom
Third Eye Chakra – Indigo – Associated with intuition, devotion
Throat Chakra – Blue – Ability to verbalize
Heart Chakra – Green – Expression of love, soul/heart consciousness
Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow – Assimilation, digestion, motivation, goals
Sacral/Navel Chakra – Orange – Procreation and creativity
Base/Root Chakra – Red – Physical activity, emotional strength.
Aura Colors
The different colors in your aura represent your spiritual, emotional and physical health and can guide you on your personal self care and wellness. If you are able to see or know someone else’s aura, you can learn a lot about an individual without them telling you anything.
People know a lot about color without any prior knowledge. Even people who know nothing whatsoever about color instinctively know that warm colors create excitement and positive feelings, while cool colors relax people and create feelings of peace and tranquillity.
Even small children are able to give emotions and feelings to different colors. They usually relate red to anger, aggression and excitement, while green relates to peace, quietness and solitude.
Once you are able to see the colors clearly in people’s auras you will be able to tell their emotional states simply by looking at the quality of the colors.
Potential: Leadership
Red is a powerful color to have, the person with this color has a strong ego and desire to become successful. This color is often subdued in childhood, perhaps by having to fit in with family desires. By the time the person has reached adulthood the aura will expand now that the person is capable of doing anything they please. People with this color often achieve positions of power or leadership and they have the charisma to inspire others. They are courageous, loving, warm-hearted and affectionate.
The negative traits of red are self-centered and nervousness.
Potential: Harmony and cooperation
Orange is a warm color, people with this color are caring and naturally intuitive.
They make friends with ease and are easy to get along with. They are tactful and will often be the mediator when people are arguing. People with this color are down to earth, practical with their feet firmly on the ground.
The negative traits of orange are laziness and a “couldn’t care less” attitude.
Potential: Creativity, mental brilliance
Yellow is an exciting color, people with this are enthusiastic, thrilling and will often be the life of the party. They are quick thinkers and enjoy entertaining and being entertained. They are sociable and enjoy lengthy conversations on almost any topic. They are eager to learn, and will often be in the middle of studying several topics at once. They are also rather changeable.
The negative traits of yellow are timidity and a tendency to lie.
Potential: Healing
Green is a peaceful color, people with this color are peace-loving and natural healers. they are easy going, trustworthy and generous. They can be very stubborn and the only way to change the mind of people with green is to convince them the idea was their own.
The negative traits of yellow are rigidity and a fixed outlook.
Potential: Variety
Blue is a beautiful color to have, people with this color are naturally positive and enthusiastic. The Aura around these people tend to be large and vibrant. They can get passed negative thoughts and feelings with ease. They are honest, sincere and speak their minds.
The negative trait of blue is difficulty in finishing tasks. They start new projects with enthusiasm but don’t complete them.
Potential: Responsibility for others
Indigo is a peaceful color, those with this color aura are warm and nurturing with a healing energy. People with this color often have humanitarians type jobs. They are supportive and enjoy helping others. They are at their happiest when surrounded by loved ones.
The negative trait of indigo is an inability to say “no.” – They are easily taken advantage of by others.
Potential: Spiritual and intellectual progress
This color is a very spiritual color. Bishops wear purple robes. People with this color are deeply spiritual, even at a young age. How much they have developed spiritually can be determined by the quality of this color in their aura. The more they nature this side of themselves the deeper and more vibrant their auras will be. They also are very wise and knowledgeable.
The negative trait of violet is they have an air of superiority that can be off-putting to others.
Potential: Idealism
This is a very light hearted color to have, people with this color have many great ideas but often the ideas are not very practical. If they find a project they enjoy they can be very motivated and put a lot of effort to completing it.
The negative trait of silver is lack of motivation. They are dreamers, rather than doers.
Potential: Unlimited
This is the most powerful color of all to have. People with this color have the ability to handle large-scale projects and to achieve anything they put their minds to. They have unlimited potential and usually achieve great success in life. They are hard working, patient and charismatic.
No negative traits are associated with gold aura
Potential: Financial and material success
This is a determined color to have, people with this color set their goals high and go after them with unwavering determination. They are often in positions of power and responsibility. They are kind and gentle and enjoy a quiet life.
The negative trait of pink is stubbornness.
Potential: Humanitarianism
This is a lovely color to have, people with this color are caring, concerned and usually have jobs as philanthropic humanitarians. They are kind-hearted and generous. This color usually appears with an autumn tint and it’s almost rusty in appearance.
The negative trait of bronze is unable to say “No”
Potential: Illumination and inspiration
White is a color of purity. White auras have a very light energy. People with this color are shy and try to stay out of the spotlight. They are caring and concerned with the well-being of others. These people are highly intuitive and wise beyond their years. They often take jobs as humanitarians.
The negative trait of white is totally lacking in ego.
The Seven Aura Layers
Your aura and is comprised of 7 different layers and are connected to the 7 energy centers of the body or the chakras,
Each layer also increases in vibration as it moves outwards, with the 7th layer carrying the highest vibration.
1. The Etheric Layer or Etheric Body
The Etheric layer is the first layer of the aura and the closest layer to the physical body. It spans ½ inch to 2 inches from the surface of the skin, outlining the body. This layer can be seen as a faint grey/violet mist. This layer is connected to the base chakra and relates to the condition and health of the physical body.
- The Aura Closest to the physical body
- This layer Represents the physical body, muscles, tissues, bones, etc.
- Connected to the root Chakra. (base chakra)
- A bluish grey color
- Easiest to see with the naked eye
- Pulsates at 20 cycles per minute
- Appears stronger in athletes and those who are very active
- Weaker in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or when immunity is compromised.
2. The Emotional Layer or Emotional Body
The second aura layer is called the Emotional Layer, extending one to three inches away from the physical body. This layer relates to our emotions and feelings sensitivity such as joy, sorrow, fear, resentment, loneliness, love and hate. This layer is connected to the Sacral Chakra
- This Aura is second from the physical body
- This layer represents emotions and feelings
- Connected to the Sacral Chakra
- Can be all the colors of the rainbow
- Can appear muddy colored during times of emotional stress
- State of the Chakras can be easily determined from this layer
3. The Mental Layer or Mental Body
The third aura layer is the Mental Layer. Its extension is four to eight inches from the physical body. This layer contains all our mental thought processes such as rules, our consciousness, ideas, logical processes, belief systems, intellect, judgement and discipline. Mental health and mental issues present themselves in this aura layer. This layer is connected to the solar plexus Chakra.
- This layer is third from the physical body
- This layer represents thoughts, cognitive processes and state of mind
- It is bright yellow in color
- Connected to the Solar plexus Chakra
- It often radiates the strongest around the head, neck and shoulders
- It appears stronger in those who have an overactive mind
- When engaging in a creative activity, colored sparks can also be seen flowing from this layer
4. The Astral Bridge Layer, Astral Body, or Bridge Layer
The fourth layer of the aura is the Astral Layer or Bridge Layer. It is eight to twelve inches away from the physical body. It is the bridge between the lower vibrations of the physical plane, and the higher vibrations of the spiritual. This layer represents our sense of love, well-being, expansion and life-balance and connects to the heart Chakra.
- This layer is fourth from the physical body
- It represents where we form our astral cords with others
- It appears pink or rosy in color
- Connected to the heart Chakra
- Becomes stronger through loving, intimate relationships
- It can appear weaker during breakups or conflicts with loved ones
- State of the Chakras are also easily visible from this layer
5. The Etheric Template Layer
The fifth aura layer is the Etheric Template Layer. It is about one to two feet away from the physical body. It represents communication and creativity. This layer of the aura serves as a carbon copy of the physical body on the spiritual plane and looks much like the negative of a photograph. It connects with the fifth Chakra.
- This layer is fifth from the physical body
- This layer represents the entire blueprint of the body that exists on this physical plane
- it Includes everything you create on this physical level including your identity, personality and overall energy
- Connected to the throat Chakra (fifth chakra)
- The color may vary
6. The Celestial Layer or Celestial Body
The sixth aura layer is called the Celestial Layer. This layer extends two to three feet away from the body. It is connected with memories, dreams, spiritual awareness, intuitive knowledge, trust, honesty, and unconditional love. It is where the physical mind comes to connection with the spiritual mind. This layer is connected to the 3rd eye Chakra,
- This layer is Sixth from the physical body
- It is connected to the third eye Chakra
- This layer carries a very strong and powerful vibration
- It represents the connection to the Divine and all other beings
- This is where unconditional love and feelings of oneness flow
- Pearly white in color
- If this layer appears strong, the person may have the ability to communicate with the spirit world
7. The Ketheric Template Layer or Causal Layer
The seventh aura layer is known as the Ketheric Template Layer or Causal Layer. It extends three to five feet away from the physical body, depending on our spiritual state. This layer protects and holds all other aura layers together, it vibrates at the highest frequency. it represents our spiritual path, reflecting all of the soul’s experiences and events through time. This later is connected to the seventh Chakra, all knowledge and all possibilities. It is often seen as a brilliant white or golden light.
- This later is furthest away from the physical body
- It represents the feeling of being one with the Universe
- This layer holds all the information about your soul and previous lifetimes
- It vibrates at the highest frequency
- This layer is connected to the crown chakra (Seventh Chakra)
- It appears gold in color
- Rapidly pulsates
As you become more aware of Auras the more beauty you will see in the world and you will wonder how you missed seeing it in the past.