Plant and Herb Magic
Plant magic is an age old tradition dating back to ancient Egyptian times, it has been used for many purposes, such as healing, self empowerment, love spells and protection. Each plant has its own magical properties and strengths and can be used to add power to any kind of spell. Plant magic will have the desired result regardless of the strength of the caster, due to the fact the plants themselves have high levels of magical properties contained within. With its multiple uses, the speed and effectiveness of its power, plant magic is one of the most popular arts used today.
Witches are not the only ones who have been using herbs and plants for healing, nowadays it is common practice in most alternative medicines to use a variety of herbs and plants for healing, most dietary products or heath food supplements used today are based around certain plants and herbs, eucalyptus for a sore throat, coffee beans for a headache.
A simple method to enhance any spell is to sprinkle specific herbs into the flame of a candle during your ritual, this will add extra power to your spells. Other magic that can be done with herbs is to leave small amounts of herbs around your home, this can remove negative energies, offer protection, bring happiness, promote good heath and bring a peaceful energy. It was a common practice to carry a charm bag with a variety of herbs to bring about many things, such as a protection or to attract love. The best time to perform plant magic or collect herbs is at night, especially under the full moon, it said the plants and herbs are at their most powerful at these times.
Over the years the witches began to use codes in their workings, eye of newt and tongue of dog are codes for very simple and attainable flowers and plants. The witches would have a great laugh about the unsuspecting fool who stumbled upon their recipes and went out searching for the ingredients, battling for a lions hearts, a bulls horn, a mother’s milk and an Englishman’s foot. The most famous reference of using plants and codes is William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth
Fillet of a fenny snake
In the cauldron boil and bake
Eye of newt and toe of frog
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing
For a charm of powerful trouble
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble
He is not writing about animals, he’s referring to simple plants and herbs.
All herbs have a particular vibration and are mixed in such a way that when they are used they bring the body into balance, as all ailments occur when your body is out of balance, the possibilities when using herbal magic is unlimited, or only limited by your imagination. It is also important when using herbs to use your intuition, to be guided by what is right for you, much like the crystal chooses you, so there are certain herbs that will work well with your biological makeup. If you are ingesting herbs such as in herbal tea, make sure that you know that the herb you are using is actually edible.
Edward Bach the well known Bach flower remedialist, maintained that all flowers and plants have a frequency and it is important to choose the correct frequency for your particular ailment.
Create a magical, spiritual garden for yourself and practice the witches traditional magic, using the plants and herbs from your garden, write in your “Book of Shadows” and create recipes for healing, love, happiness and abundance. Learn to understand how each plant and herb and how it is used. You will begin to feel the energy of each flower and plant that you use and be able to understand the alchemy of each one, you will gain hours of pleasure from your magical garden. The lore of each herb and plant must be understood to create your powerful magic. The power of plants and herbs enhance the power of your spells and rituals, you will be able to make love potions, money spells, happiness spells, luck spells and healing spells. The mere act of keeping a living plant helps to increase your energy.
The main methods of using plants and herbs for protection are, carrying a small amount of the plant or herb in a small container, it can be carried in a handbag, pocket, or in a locket or pouch, the herb or plant can also be boiled, and with the help of a small watering can, may be be sprinkled around the home. A sprig when placed under your pillow or bed can offer protection and induce restful sleep.
Plant and herb magic has been used for decades and it is again enjoying a resurgence as people want to use more natural therapies, you will attune to the herb that is right for you at any particular time. Your plant and herb magic practices will become more powerful and potent as you begin to understand the frequency of each plan and herb you use. You need to learn and understand the smell, texture and properties of all the ingredients you will be using. Don’t ever use anything until you have first got the go ahead from a medical practitioner, as plants and herbs can also be used in conjunction with more mainstream medicinal practices. You can also use plant and herb magic with crystals.
Always use your magic with a positive intent, good powerful white magic comes from a benign intent when wielding your magic wand, as you mix herbs you are putting in energy, just as you would when practicing Reiki healing.
Below is a list of herbs, plants and their secret names, followed by Plants, Herbs and their magical properties:
Plants, Herbs and their secret names.
Aaron’s Rod – Goldenrod or mullein stalk
Absinthe – Wormwood
Adder’s Fork – Adder’s Tongue Fern or Bistort
Adder’s Tongue – Dog’s Tooth Violet (or Adder’s Tongue Fern
Ague root – Unicorn root
Alison – Sweet Alyssum
Angel Food, Archangel – Angelica
Angel’s Trumpet – Datura
Ass’s Ear – colt’s foot or comfrey
Ass’s Foot, Bull’s Foot – colt’s foot
Auld Man’s Bells, Old man’s bells – wood hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica
Bad Man’s/Devil’s Oatmeal/Porridge – hemlock
Bad Man’s/Devil’s Plaything – Yarrow
Bastard – false Dittany
Bat flower – tacca
Bat’s Wing – Holly leaf
Bat’s Wool – moss (which moss?)
Bear’s Foot – Lady’s Mantle
Bear’s Grape Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Bear Paw – ramsons Allium ursinum or the root of male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas
Bear weed – Yerba Santa Eriodictyon californicum
Beard of a Monk – Chicory
Beggar’s Lice – Hound’s tongue
Beggar’s Buttons – Burdock
Bird’s Eye – Speedwell Veronica officinalis
Bird’s Foot – Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum (Also bird’s foot violet and bird’s foot trefoil)
Bird’s Nest – carrot, Indian pipe
Bishop’s Wort, Bishop’s Elder – Wood betony Stachys betonica
Bitter Grass – Ague Root Aletris Farinosa
Black Sampson – Echinacea
Blazing Star – liatris
Blind Eyes – Poppy
Blood from a head – Lupine *
Blood from a shoulder – Bear’s breech *
Blood of a Goose – Sap from a mulberry * Morus nigra
Blood of an Eye – Tamarisk gall * (probably the tannin extracted from)
Blood of Ares – purslane *
Blood of Hephaestus – wormwood *
Blood of Hestia – Chamomile *
Blood – sap of the elder or bloodwort
Bloody butcher – Valerian
Bloody Fingers – Foxglove
Blue Bottle – Bachelor’s buttons
Boy’s Love, Lad’s Love: Southernwood
Brain Thief – Mandrake
Bone of an Ibis – buckthorn * I am not sure if this is Rhamnus cathartica or sea buckthorn Hippophae spp If I can find a recipe containing this, I will know for sure by comparing its purpose to their very different qualities
Bread and Cheese – Hawthorn
Bride of the Meadow – meadowsweet
Bull’s Blood – beet or horehound
Burning bush – false dittany, also a modern name for species of Euonymus
Cow’s Horn – Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum
Bride of the Sun – calendula
Brown Dragon – wake robin
Buttons – tansy
Calf’s snout – Snapdragon
Candlemas Maiden – snowdrop
Candlewick – mullein, the flower stalk
Capon’s Tail – valerian
Carpenter’s Herb – bugleweed Lycopus europaeus
Carpenter’s Square – knotted figwort
Carpenter’s weed – Yarrow
Cat – catnip
Cat’s foot – white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy
Cat’s herb – valerian
Chameleon star – bromeliad
Cheeses – marsh mallow
Chocolate flower – wild geranium (I don’t buy it)
Christ’s eye – wild clary Salvia verbenaca
Christ’s ladder – centaury
Christ’s spear – adder’s tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum
Church steeple – Agrimony
Clear eye – clary sage
Cleavers – bedstraw
Click – goosegrass
Clot – great mullien
Cocklebur – Agrimony
Cock’s comb – amaranth
Colt’s Tail – fleabane
Crane’s bill – wild geranium
Crow’s foot – wild geranium, or wood anemone bulbous buttercup (verified)
Crowdy kit – figwort
Cuckoo’s bread – common plantago
Cucumber tree – magnolia
Cuddy’s lungs – great mullein
Crown for a king – wormwood
Dagger flower – blue flag
Daphne – bay laurel
Dead man’s bells foxglove
Death angel – fly agaric Amanita Muscaria
Death cap – fly agaric Amanita Muscaria
Death flower – Yarrow
Death’s Herb – Belladonna
Delight of the Eye – rowan
Devil Plant – basil
Devil’s Apple – Mayapple or Mandrake
Devil’s beard – houseleek
Devil’s bit – false unicorn root
Devil’s cherries Belladonna berries
Devil’s plaything – yarrow
Devil’s dung – asafoetida
Devil’s ear – wakerobin
Devil’s eye – henbane or periwinkle
Devil’s flower – bachelor’s buttons
Devil’s fuge – mistletoe
Devil’s guts – dodder
Devil’s herb – belladonna
Devil’s milk – celandine
Devil’s nettle – yarrow
Devil’s Shoestring: Various varieties of vibernum, esp Black Haw, cramp bark, hobblebush
Dew of the Sea – Rosemary
Dog Berry – wild rose hips
Dog’s mouth – snap dragon
Dog’s tongue – hound’s tongue
Dove’s foot – wild geranium
Dragon – tarragon
Dragon Flower – blue flag (really, wild iris? not an arum or a Antirrhinum?)
Dragon wort – bistort
Dragon’s blood – calamus
Eagle – ramsons Allium ursinum
Earth apple – potato
Earth smoke- fumitory
Elf’s wort – Elecampane
Enchanter’s plant – vervain
Englishman’s fruit/ White man’s foot – common plantain
Everlasting friendship – goosegrass
Eye root – goldenseal
Fairy smoke – Indian pipe
Fairy fingers – foxglove
Fat from a Head – spurge *
Felon herb – Mugwort
Five fingers – cinquefoil
Fox’s Clote – burdock
Frog’s foot – bulbous buttercup
From the foot – houseleek *
From the loins – chamomile *
Goat’s foot – morning glory
Goat’s Horn – Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum
God’s hair – hart’s tongue fern
Golden’s star – avens
Gosling’s wing – goosegrass
Graveyard dust – mullein (and sometimes it’s just graveyard dust)
Hag’s taper – mullien stalk
Hagthorn – hawthorn
Hair of Venus – Maidenhair fern
Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed *
Hare’s beard – mullein
Hawk’s Heart, Old Woman – Wormwood Artemisia absinthium crown or seed head *
Hind’s tongue – hart’s tongue fern
Holy herb – yerba santa
Holy rope – hemp agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum
Horse tongue – hart’s tongue fern
Hundred eyes – periwinkle
Innocence – bluets
Jacob’s Staff – Great Mullein
Joy of the Mountain – Marjoram
Jupiter’s Staff – Great Mullein
King’s Crown: Black Haw vibernum
Knight’s Milfoil – Yarrow
Kronos’ Blood – sap of Cedar *
Lady’s glove – foxglove
Lamb’s ears – betony but more likely lamb’s ear Stachys byzantina
Lion’s Hair – The extra little roots that stick out of the turnip bulb or the base leaves Brassica rapa *
Lion’s tooth – dandelion
Little dragon – tarragon
Love in idleness – pansy
Love Lies Bleeding – amaranth (Not so ancient, a modern ornamental variant)
Love Leaves – burdock
Love man – goosegrass
Love Parsley – lovage
Love root – orris root
Maiden’s Ruin – Southernwood
Man’s Bile – Turnip Juice *
Man’s Health – Ginseng
Master of the Woods – Woodruff
May Lily – Lily of the Valley
May Rose – Black Haw viburnum
May – Black Haw viburnum
Maypops – Passion Flower
Mistress of the Night – Tuberose
Mutton Chops – Goosegrass
Nose Bleed – Yarrow
Old Man’s Flannel – Great Mullein
Old Man’s Pepper – Yarrow
Old-Maid’s-Nightcap – Wild Geranium
Password – primrose
Peter’s Staff – Great Mullein
Poor Man’s Treacle – Garlic
Priest’s Crown – Dandelion leaves
Queen of the Meadow Root – Gravelroot
Queen of the Meadow – Meadowsweet
Queen of the Night – Vanilla Cactus
Rats and Mice – Hound’s tongue
Ram’s horn – valerian
Ring a Bells – bluebell
Robin run in the grass – goosegrass
Scaldhead – blackberry
Seed of Horus – horehound
See bright – Clary sage
Semen of Ammon – Houseleek *
Semen of Ares – Clover *
Semen of Helios – White Hellebore *
Semen of Hephaistos – Fleabane *
Semen of Herakles – arugula *
Semen of Hermes – Dill *
Seven Year’s Love Yarrow
Shameface – Wild Geranium
Shepherd’s Heart – Shepherd’s Purse
Silver Bells – Black Haw viburnum
Snake Root – black cohosh
Soapwort – Comfrey or Daisy or maybe Soapwort
Sorcerer’s Violet – Periwinkle
Sparrow’s Tongue – Knotweed
St. John’s Herb – Hemp Agrimony
St. John’s Plant – Mugwort
Star Flower – Borage
Star of the Earth – Avens
Starweed – Chickweed
Sweethearts – Goosegrass
Swine’s Snout – Dandelion leaves
Tail of a Pig – Leopard’s bane *
Tanner’s bark – toadflax
Tartar root – ginseng
Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon – Dill Juice *
Thousand weed – yarrow
Thunder plant – houseleek
Titan’s Blood – Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa *
Torches – mullein flower stalk
Unicorn’s horn – unicorn root or false unicorn root
Urine – dandelion or maybe urine
Wax dolls – fumitory
Weasel – rue
Weasel snout – yellow archangel
Winter wood – wild cinnamon Canella alba
White – ox eye daisy
Witch’s Asprin – white willow bark (this is ancient?)
Witch’s brier – wild brier rose hips
Wolf claw – club moss
Wolf’s foot – bugleweed
Wolf’s milk – euphorbia
Woodpecker – herbLpeony
Worm fern- male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas
Yerba Santa Maria – epazote
Plant Parts/Body Parts
Blood – Sap or juice
Eye – The disc of a composite flower, or a seed
Foot – Leaf
Guts – Roots, stalks, tangly bits
Hair – Very stringy roots (sometimes silk or tangly stems)
Head – Flower head or seed head
Tail – Stem
Tongue – Petal, sometimes stigma
Toes – leaf or bud
Paw – sometimes bud, usually leaf
Privates – Seed pod
Worm – stringy roots
Wool – Moss
Plants and their Magical Properties
Magical properties: Plants will keep you safe from any evil influences and protect you from accidents within the home.
Magical properties: Put anise seeds in a small cotton bag and place under your pillow this will ward off nightmares just as a dream catcher does; if you use anise leaves in your sacred space and inside your magic circle when practicing your magic or meditating, the leaves will protect your sacred space from anything untoward.
Magical properties: By holding or carrying on your person, a piece of ash you will always be protected on or near water, ash can also be hung in doorways and ward off malevolent spirits. You can sprinkle ash around the outside of your home for protection, place the ash in the four directions of earth, air, fire and water, placing a talisman of each in each of the four directions.
Magical properties: Basil has potent love properties and is used when casting love spells.
Magical properties: Always use blackberry when casting money spells as it contains properties of abundance. Blackberry can also be used for protection from malevolent energies and for health protection.
Black Cohosh
Magical properties: Black Cohosh is used in love spells, and helps foster determination, courage and faith in self when carried.
Blood Root
Magical properties: This particular root draws love to you on all levels and helps to create a positive vibration and repels negativity, place around your home, above doorways and windows. If you are single and looking for romance place some on your bedside table with a rose quartz next to it and two red candles.
Magical properties: Catnip is a magnet for positive energies and luck, if can also be used in love spells in conjunction with the placing of a rose quartz and red rose petals.
Magical properties: All witches know to use chamomile in their money spells, chamomile used well, creates abundance, if you want to remove a curse, spell or negative feeling, use chamomile first steeped in warm water then sprinkled with basil.
Magical properties: For any official purposes, help or guidance you can’t go past Cinquefoil, place a small bag of Cinquefoil under your bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep, the five properties of the leaves are love, health, power, money, intelligence and wisdom.
Magical properties: The powerful scent has healing properties and has been used by witches for centuries.
Magical properties: Elder will protect you from all types of negativity, place on windowsills, in doorways, the berries can be carried on your person, you may choose to place in a pot or flower bed, it will bring you prosperity, elder wood is also used for wand making.
Magical properties: Fennel will repel all evil spirits, it is good luck to grow it around the home as a form of protection. Hang it at windows and doorways and carry with you for protection.
Magical properties: If you have Hawthorne in or around home you will repel ghosts, Hawthorne also draws fairies into your garden.
Magical properties: Hazel twigs in your home, strategically placed, will protect your home from damage due to inclement weather and fire. Brides were often given hazel nuts for good luck.
Magical properties: Always use a red Hibiscus flower when making love potions it is associated with good fortune and love.
Magical properties: Holly will protect you from all things earthly or otherwise, plant around your home for a ring of protection and carry holly for luck. A love potion can be made using holly leaves, rose petals, a rose quartz and two red candles, light the candles and visualise the object of your desire, do this for five minutes then blow out the candles and drink a full glass of water, wash your hands when you finish. Use a cloth to place holly leaves in and put under the bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep.
Magical properties: Lavender is the perfect plant to use in love spells, to attract love rub lavender on your clothes, lavender under your pillow will give you a restful night’s sleep.
Magical properties: If you are in an executive, or in a position of power or influence, bathe in a hot bath with Marigold to help you further your career. By stringing Marigold around your home you will be sure to keep out evil spirits. It also works on unpleasant or unwanted visitors by repelling them.
Magical properties: Mint is the perfect herb to use when you are planning to travel, it is also used for prosperity spells. Benign spirits are drawn to mint when it is placed in your sacred circle or upon your magic alter.
Magical properties: It is said that if you carry Mistletoe it will help fertility and protect you from all ills. To repel evil spirits burn mistletoe, and by placing mistletoe under or on your bed it will ensure a good night’s sleep and enhance dreams.
Morning Glory
Magical properties: Morning Glory seeds under your pillow will work like a dream catcher and prevent nightmares, and by growing it in the garden Morning Glory will draw happiness and tranquility.
Magical properties: Witches have always used Nettle to remove a curse and return it back from where it came, have a pot of freshly cut Nettle under the bed for someone who is unwell, it helps in the recovery.
Magical properties: Place Oak twigs around your home as protection it can also be placed within the home, Acorns placed in the window will protect the home from lightning and floods, it will also ward off illness. Acorns on windowsills when the moon is full will draw money to you.
Passion Flower
Magical properties: Passion Flower brings tranquility to a household that is experiencing difficulties or tensions, by carrying it, it breeds hospitality and good social relationships. Under your bed or pillow it aids in having a restful night’s sleep.
Magical properties: Perfect for healing, often taken for upset stomachs and works particularly well for nausea, place under the pillow for a good night’s sleep, it also fosters precognitive dreams.
Magical properties: The rose has been used in love spells for centuries, it brings harmony and warm feelings, roses in your garden welcome all manner of magic beings. Place rose petals around the home for an ambient environment and to reduce tensions and upsets.
Magical properties: When you are practicing your craft place a vase of snapdragons for protection, snapdragon on your altar and reflected in a mirror repels curses and sends them back from where they came.
St. John’s Wort
Magical properties: St. John’s Wort can be worn to help physical healing, and to banish evil spirits, it also helps to brighten you up if you wear when you are having emotional difficulties.
Magical properties: Grow Sunflowers in your garden and bring them into your home for good luck and a lightness of spirit.
Below is a complete list of plants, Herbs and their magical properties
Herbs and their magical properties A-Z
Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells
Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness
Adders Tongue : Healing
African Violet : Spirituality, Protection
Agaric : Fertility
Agrimony : Protection, Sleep
Ague Root : Protection
Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money
Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity
Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing
Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe : Protection, Luck
Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality
Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers
Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility,
Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing
Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions
Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth
Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
Apricot : Love
Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil
Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection
Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection
Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health
Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Aster : Love
Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love
Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty
Bachelor’s Buttons : Love
Balm, Lemon : Love, Success, Healing
Balm of Gilead : Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing
Bamboo : Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes
Banana : Fertility, Potency, Prosperity
Banyan : Luck. Happiness
Barley : Love, Healing, Protection
Basil : Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection
Bay : Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength
Bean : Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming,
Reconciliation, Potency, Love
Bedstraw, Fragrant : Love
Beech : Wishes
Beet : love
Belladonna : Astral Projection, Visions **TOXIC**
Benzoin : Purification, Prosperity
Bergamot, Orange : Money, Success
Be-Still : Luck
Betony, Wood : Protection, Purification, Love
Birch : Protection, Exorcism, Purification and Cleansing
Bistort : Psychic Powers, Fertility
Bittersweet : Protection, Healing
Blackberry : Healing, Money, Protection
Bladderwrack : Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells,
Money, Psychic Powers
Bleeding Heart : Love
Bloodroot : Love, Protection, Purification
Bluebell : Luck, Truth
Blueberry : Protection
Blue Flag : Money
Bodhi : Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation
Boneset : Protection, Exorcism
Borage : Courage, Psychic Powers
BrackenBrazil NutBriony : Image Magic, Money, Protection
Bromeliad : Protection, Money
Broom : Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination
Buchu : Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams
Buckthorn : Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters
Cabbage : Luck
Cactus : Protection, Chastity
Calamus : Luck, Healing, Money, Protection
Camellia -Riches
Camphor : Chastity, Health, Divination
Caper : Potency, Lust, Luck
Carawy : Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers
Cardamon : Lust, Love
Carnation : Protection, Strength, Healing
Carob : Protection, Health
Carrot : Fertility, Lust
Cascara Sagrada : Legal Matters, Money, Protection,
Cashew : Money
Castor : Protection
Catnip : Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness
Cat Tail : Lust
Cedar : Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Celandine : Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters
Celery : Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers
Centaury : Snake Removing
Chamomile : Money, Sleep, Love, Purification
Cherry : Love, Divination
Chestnut : Love
Chickweed : Fertility, Love
Chicory : Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity
Chili pepper : Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love
China Berry : Luck, Change
Chrysanthemum : Protection
Cinchona : Luck, Protection
Cinnamon : Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power,
Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love
Cinquefoil : Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep
Cloth of Gold : Understand Animal Languages
Clove : Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money
Daffodil : Love, Fertility, Luck
Daisy : Lust, Luck
Damiana : Lust, Love, Visions
Dandelion : Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits
Datura : Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection
Deerstongue : Lust, Psychic Powers
Devils Bit : Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust
Devils Shoestring : Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment
Dill : Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dittany of Crete : Manifestations, Astral Projection
Dock : Healing, Fertility, Money
Dodder : Love, Divination, Knot Magic
Dogbane : Love
Dogwood : Wishes, Protection
Dragons Blood : Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency
Dulse : Lust, Harmony
Dutchmans Breeches : Love
Ebony : Protection, Power
Echinacea : Strengthening Spells
Edelweiss : Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing
Elder : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep
Elecampane : Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Elm : Love
Endive : Lust, Love
Eryngo : Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love
Eucalyptus : Healing, Protection
Euphorbia : Purification, Protection
Eyebright : Mental Powers, Psychic Power
Fennel : Protection, Healing, Purification
Fenugreek : Money
Fern : Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches,
Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism
Feverfew : Protection
Fig : Divination, Fertility, Love
Figwort : Health, Protection
Flax : Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing
Fleabane : Exorcism, Protection, Chastity
Foxglove : Protection
Frankincense : Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality
Fumitory : Money, Exorcism
Fuzzy Weed : Love, Hunting
Galangal : Protection, Lust, Health, Money,
Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking
Gardenia : Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality
Garlic : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft
Gentian : Love, Power
Geranium : Fertility, Health, Love, Protection
Ginger : Love, Money, Success, Power
Ginseng : Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust
Goats Rue : Healing, Health
Goldenrod : Money, Divination
Golden Seal : Healing, Money
Gorse : Protection, Money
Gotu Kola : Meditation
Gourd : Protection
Grain : Protection
Grains of Paradise : Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes
Grape : Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money
Grass : Psychic Powers, Protection
Ground Ivy : Divination
Groundsel : Health, Healing
Hawthorn : Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness
Hazel : Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes
Heather : Protection, Rain Making, Luck
Heliotrope : Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing,
Wealth, Invisibility
Hellebore, Black : Protection ****TOXIC***
Hemlock : Destroy Sexual Drive ***TOXIC***
Hemp : Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane : Love Attraction ***TOXIC***
Henna : Healing
Hibiscus : Lust, Love, Divination
Hickory : Legal Matters
High John the Conqueror : Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly : Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance
Honesty : Money, Repelling Monsters
Honeysuckle : Money, Psychic Powers, Protection
Hops : Healing, Sleep
Horehound : Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism,
Horse Chestnut : Money, Healing
Horseradish : Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail : Snake Charming, Fertility
Houndstongue : Tying Dog’s Tongues
Houseleek : Luck, Protection, Love
Huckleberry : Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth : Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea : Hex Breaking
Hyssop : Purification, Protection
Indian Paint Brush : Love
Iris : Purification, Wisdom
Irish Moss : Money, Luck, Protection
Ivy : Protection, Healing
Jasmine : Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Jobs Tears : Healing, Wishes, Luck
Joe-Pye Weed : Love, Respect
Juniper : Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health
Kava-Kave : Visions, Protection, Luck
Knotweed : Binding, Health
Lady’s mantle : Love
Lady’s slipper : Protection
Larch : Protection, Anti-Theft
Larkspur : Health, Protection
Lavender : Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity,
Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Leek : Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon : Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemongrass : Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena : Purification, Love
Lettuce : Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice : Love, Lust, Fidelity
Life Everlasting : Longevity, Health, Healing
Lilac : Exorcism, Protection, Beauty
Lily : Protection, Breaking Love spells
Lily of the Valley : Mental Powers, Happiness
Lime : Healing, Love, Protection
Linden : Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Liquidamber : Protection
Liverwort : Protection
Liverwort : Love
Looestrife : Peace, Protection
Lotus : Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage : Love
Love Seed : Love, Friendship
Lucky Hand : Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel
Mace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powers
Maguey : Lust
Magnolia : Fidelity
Mahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightning
Maidenhair : Beauty, Love
Male Fern : Luck, Love
Mallow : Love, Protection, Exorcism
Mandrake : Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health
Maple : Love, Longevity, Money
Marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams,
Business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers
Marjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Healing
Master Wort : Strength, Courage, Protection
Mastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust
May Apple : Money
Meadow Rue : Divination
Meadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Mesquite : Healing
Mimosa : Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification
Mint : Money, Love, Luck, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mistletoe : Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism
Molukka : Protection
Moonwort : Money, Love
Moss : Luck, Money
Mugwort : Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection,
Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection
Mulberry : Protection, Strength
Mullein : Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Mustard : Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Myrrh : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality
Myrtle : Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Nettle : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Norfolk Island Pine : Protection, anti hunger
Nuts : Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck
Oak : Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oats : Money
Olive : Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money,
Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange : Love, Divination, Luck, Money
Orchid : Love
Oregon Grape : Money, Prosperity
Orris Root : Love, Protection, Divination
Palm, Date : Fertility, Potency
Pansy : Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination
Papaya : Love, Protection
Papyrus : Protection
Parosela : Hunting
Parsley : Love, Protection, Purification
Passion Flower : Peace, Sleep, Friendship
Patchouly : Money, Fertility, Lust
Pea : Money, Love
Peach : Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes
Pear : Lust, Love
Pecan : Money, Employment
Pennyroyal : Strength, Protection, Peace
Peony : Protection, Exorcism
Pepper : Protection, Exorcism
Peppermint : Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Pepper Tree : Purification, Healing, Protection
Periwinkle : Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection
Persimmon : Changing Sex, Healing, Luck
Plot Weed : Protection
Pimento : Love
Pimpernel : Protection, Health
Pine : Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Pineapple : Luck, Money, Chastity
Pipsissewa : Money, Spirit Calling
Quassia : Love
Quince : Protection, Love, Happiness
Radish : Protection, Lust
Ragweed : Courage
Ragwort : Protection
Raspberry : Protection, Love
Rattlesnake Root : Protection, Money
Rhubarb : Protection, Fidelity
Rice : Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money
Roots : Protection, Power, Divination
Rose : Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
Rosemary : Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers,
Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Rowan : Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Power, Success
Rue : Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love
Rye : Love, Fidelity
Saffron : Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising,
Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers.
Sage : Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Sagebrush : Purification, Exorcism
St.Johns Wort : Health, Power, Protection, Strength,
Love, Divination, Happiness
Sandalwood : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality
Sarsaparilla : Love, Money
Sassafras : Health, Money
Savory, Summer : Mental Powers
Scullcap : Love, Fidelity, Peace
Senna : Love
Sesame : Money. Lust
Shallot : Purification
Skunk Cabbage : Legal Matters
Slippery Elm : Halts Gossip
Sloe : Exorcism, Protection
Snakeroot : Luck Money
Snakeroot/black : Love, Lust, Money
Snapdragon : Protection
Solomons Seal : Protection, Exorcism
Sorrel Wood : Healing, Health
Southern Wood : Love, Lust, Protection
Spanish Moss : Protection
Spearmint : Healing, Love, Mental Powers
SpiderWort : Love
Spikenard : Love
Squill : Money, Protection, Hex Breaking
Star, Anise : Psychic Powers, Luck
Stillengia : Psychic Powers
Straw : Luck, Image Magic
Strawberry : Love, Luck
Sugar Cane : Love, Lust
Sumbul : Love, Luck, Health, Psychic Powers
Sunflower : Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom
Sweetgrass : Calling Spirits
Tamarind : Love
Tamarisk : Exorcism, Protection
Tansy : Health, Longevity
Tea : Riches, Courage, Strength
Thistle : Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing
Thistle, Holy : Purification, Hex Breaking
Thistle, Milk : Snake Enraging
Thyme : Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers,
Love, Purification, Courage
Toadflax : Protection, Hex Breaking
Toadstool : Rain Making
Tobacco : Healing, Purification
Turmeric : Purification
Turnip : Protection, Ending Relationships
Urva Ursa : Psychic Workings
Valerian : Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection
Vanilla : Love, Lust, Mental Powers
Venus Flytrap : Protection, Love
Vervain : Love, Protection, Purification, Peace,
Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing
Vetch, Giant : Fidelity
Vetivert : Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft
Violet : Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing
Wahoo : Hex-breaking, Courage, Success
Walnut : Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Wax Plant : Protection
Wheat : Fertility, Money
Willow : Love, Divination, Protection, Healing
Wintergreen : Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking
Winters Bark : Success
Witch Grass : Happiness, Lust, love, Exorcism
Witch Hazel : Protection, Chastity
Wolfs Bane : Protection, Invisibility
Wood Rose : Luck
Woodruff : Victory, Protection, Money
Wormwood : Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
Yarrow : Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism
Yellow Evening Primrose : Hunting
Yerba Mate : Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa : Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection
Yew : Raising the Dead
Yohimbe : Love, Lust
Yucca : Transmutation, Protection, Purification
Amazing pages loads of craft knowledge loved it thanks for putting it sll up
I shall write some poems for you and post later
This is a great page for information! Thx!
Fantastic reference. Thankyou for compiling and sharing this wonderful information