Spell to make you irresistible
Spell to turn on your love light and to encourage that special someone you know is interested find you irresistible.
Recite the following.
Hesitant one compelled to act
Impossible to resist me now
Neck prickles with anticipation
Spine tingles you must take action
Feet move like puppet handled by puppeteer of times gone by
Ideas of me in your mind awaken
A most desirable being you find me to be
Vision clear mind alert
You must have contact with me now
An overwhelming need to speak
Hesitant one compulsion moves you
Impossible to resist me now
You must take action
energies collide
I am desirable I am irresistible
I am the one you do now covet
You are drawn to me by magic ancient
Hesitant no more you choose to be with me.
I am irresistible
This is to be