Spell is used to re-ignite an old flame or bring back an ex-partner.
- Two red candles
- A piece of paper
- A pen
- A few drops of sandalwood or jasmine essential oil
- Start by lighting both red candles. Visualize the flame of the candles as the flame of your love.
- Write down on the piece of paper the name of the person you wish to reunite with, and say out loud their name three times.
- Anoint each candle with a few drops of the essential oil, and then recite the following words:
“Bring back the flames of our love,
Burn bright and never dull.
Bring back the passion we once shared,
And make our love anew.”
- Focus on the flame of the candles and visualize your love for the person and the hopeful reconnection you desire.
- When you feel that the ritual is complete, extinguish the candles, thanking the Powers that Be for their help.
- Fold up the paper with the name on it, and keep it with you as a reminder of your intention.
- You have now completed the ritual.