This is a spell to bring love into your life when there is no one on the horizon.
- A large pink or red candle
- A piece of paper
- A pen
- A bowl
- A pinch of sea salt
- A pinch of cinnamon
1. Cleanse the area with the salt and cinnamon, and create a sacred space.
2. Light the candle, and meditate on your intention to bring a new love into your life.
3. Write down all the qualities you’re looking for in a partner on the piece of paper.
4. Place the paper in the bowl, and pour a few drops of wax from the candle on top of it.
5. As the wax melts into the paper, repeat the following words:
“This ritual brings me a perfect love.”
6. When the wax has melted completely, blow out the candle and store the paper in a safe place.
7. Repeat the ritual when necessary, and trust that your intention will be fulfilled.
8. The ritual is complete.