Magic Quizzes

Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? – Take The Quiz

Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? – Take The Quiz
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Ever wondered where your magic truly lies? Are you a pure and radiant White Witch, casting spells of healing and protection? Or perhaps you have a darker side, embracing the mysterious forces as a powerful Black Witch. Maybe you’re somewhere in between, tapping into nature’s enchantments or walking the fine line between light and shadow. Take this quiz to uncover whether you’re a good witch, a bad witch, or something beautifully in between!

Step into the world of magic and mystery, answer a few spellbinding questions, and let the results reveal your witchy nature! ✨🧙‍♀️

You find an injured animal in the woods. What do you do?


Which tool would you choose for your magical practice?


How do you feel about working with darker forces?


A stranger asks for help with a difficult situation. What’s your approach?


When performing a spell, how do you gather your power?


You stumble upon a magical artifact with great power. What do you do with it?


What role does love play in your magic?


If faced with an enemy, what would your strategy be?


How do you feel about working in a coven?


What do you seek most in your magical journey?


Question 1 of 10

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