Protection Spells

Self-Love Shield: A Ritual Spell for Protection Against Negative Energy

Self-Love Shield: A Ritual Spell for Protection Against Negative Energy
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This simple ritual spell uses a photo of yourself and a black candle to create a self-love shield, protecting you from those who do not appreciate you and banishing their negativity with love and positivity.

Items needed:

  • A photo of yourself
  • A black or dark-colored candle
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • Optional: protective crystals or herbs, such as black tourmaline or rosemary

Ritual Steps:

  1. Find a quiet and private space where you will not be disturbed.
  2. Place the photo of yourself in front of you.
  3. Light the black or dark-colored candle and place it next to the photo.
  4. If you have protective crystals or herbs, hold them in your hand and say a short blessing or prayer over them, asking for their protective powers to be activated.
  5. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself and focusing on your intention to protect yourself from those who do not appreciate you.
  6. Take the piece of paper and pen and write down any negative thoughts or emotions you have been feeling related to this issue.
  7. Fold the paper and set it aside.
  8. Hold your hands over the photo and say the following spell:

    “I call upon the universe to protect and defend, From those who do not appreciate, but only intend To harm and bring me down, I banish their negativity, And shield myself with love and positivity.”

  9. Place the photo back down and let the candle burn out completely.
  10. If you have protective crystals or herbs, place them near the photo as a reminder of their protective energy.
  11. When you are ready, pick up the folded paper and release the negative energy by tearing it up and discarding it.
  12. Spell complete.

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