Love Spells

Spell to win someone’s affections

Spell to win someone’s affections
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This is a spell to win the affections of a particular person.

Items Needed:

  • A photo of the person you are trying to win the affections of
  • A pink or red candle
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • Rose petals


1. Begin by setting up a sacred space for the ritual. Light the candle and place it in front of you.

2. Place the photo of the person you are trying to win the affections of in front of the candle.

3. Take the piece of paper and write down the qualities and characteristics you appreciate about the person.

4. Place the paper in front of the photo, and sprinkle the rose petals around it.

5. Place your hands over the photo and paper, and focus on sending love and positive energy to the person.

6. Visualize this energy connecting the two of you, and feel the love between you growing stronger.

7. Close the ritual by thanking the universe for its help. Extinguish the candle and gather the items.

8. The ritual is complete.


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